unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype call rates to Ghana

All Skype prices to "Ghana" for landline and mobile numbers. Last time information has been updated . Note that there tariffs are specified in view of per-minute billing for pay as you go calls. If you frequently make calls to "Ghana" and want to save, is worth considering to buy a Skype calling subscription.

For your convenience, we have developed a simple online calculator which allows calculate the cost of Skype calls. It is located at this page

Ghana - Accra

Cost of 1 minute
+ $0.089
Connection fee

Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$2.989 = 0.290 × 10 + $0.089

This rate is applied to calls that do not match phone codes for tariffs listed below. To avoid mistakes, we recommend to use the Skype call cost calculator.


Cost of 1 minute
+ $0.089
Connection fee

Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$2.989 = 0.290 × 10 + $0.089

Phone codes:
233, 23321

Ghana - Mobile

Cost of 1 minute
+ $0.089
Connection fee

Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$2.989 = 0.290 × 10 + $0.089

Phone codes:
23320, 23323, 23324, 23326, 23327, 23328, 23329, 233302, 23350, 23354, 233553, 233554, 233555, 233556, 23357


  1. 1 +1 0
    Christopher Jung (karma: +1),
    Need to be informed of the rate structure for calls to Ghana
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      What exactly are you interested in?
      1. 0 0 0
        Adoma Kezia (karma: 0),
        I want buy goods from sky jet and I’m in Ghana.
  2. 1 +1 0
    Tim (karma: +4),
    do both parties get charged, or just the one initiating the call
  3. 0 0 0
    Danny Moore (karma: +3),
    is there a charge for text/chat thru skype if both parties have skype accounts I am on Chrome OS &

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Rate entry: