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Remarkable features of Skype

How to reset the settings of Skype for Windows

In this tutorial, I want to tell you, how to reset the settings of Skype for Windows. This is useful when you need to return all the default settings (for example, if the program has stopped working properly due to incorrect settings). Just note that resetting the settings, though it often helps to resume Skype’s functioning, is not a panacea for all errors.


  • Before continuing, make sure that you remember your login and password from Skype, because after resetting the settings you will have to enter them again.

  • Since all correspondence is moved in another folder, only messages for the last 30 days will be stored in Skype. To return the old correspondence, you must copy the %appdata%\Skype-digits\username\main.db file to the %appdata%\Skype\username folder.

  • And most importantly, if you are not sure about something, you’d better ask in the comments, and I'll help you with advice on how to do it correctly.

Like most programs for Windows, Skype stores basic settings on the local computer. Most of them are stored in the profile folder, and some – in the system registry. To restore the default settings, you must delete all of this data. This can be done in many ways:


For your convenience, I have created an application that resets the settings in automatic mode. So, to return the standard settings in two clicks, you should:
  1. Download and run the application Reset_Settings_For_Skype.HTA
  2. Select the checkboxes for the following options:
    • AppData folder
    • Windows registry
  3. Click the “Run” button
  4. Launch Skype


If you want to reset the settings manually, you should:
  1. Start command line as administrator
  2. Run the following commands in turn:
    • taskkill /IM skype.exe /F
    • rename "%AppData%\Skype" "Skype-%RANDOM%%RANDOM%"
    • reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Skype" /f
    • reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Skype" /f
    • reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Skype" /f
    • reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Skype" /f
  3. Launch Skype

What happens when you reset your settings?

The following items are deleted:
  • Authorization data.
  • Chatting history.
  • General settings.
  • Sound settings and notification sounds.
  • Video settings.
  • Translator settings.
  • Notification settings.
  • Call settings.
  • Chat settings.
  • Settings of connection of Skype with the Internet.
  • Hotkeys and shortcuts.
  • Visual design (location and size of windows, interface language, accessibility mode, displaying the list of contacts and emoticons).
In fact, all the specified elements (except the first item) are not deleted, but are moved in another folder. But since this data is no longer in the “right” folder, at startup, Skype does not find them and uses the default settings.

What elements are not deleted when resetting?

The following items are not deleted, since they are stored on the server:
  • Contacts and group chats.
  • Correspondence for the last 30 days.
  • Personal data (such as login, password, name, avatar, email, phone number, date of birth, city).
  • Some privacy and security settings.
  • Blocked contacts.

What to do if resetting the settings did not help?

As I already said, resetting Skype's settings does not solve all the problems and errors. In addition, problems with Skype can occur due to other programs or OS settings. Therefore, in order to find the reason, I ask to tell in the comments what the problem is (only note that the more details you will write, the easier and faster I’ll be able to help you).

This method of resetting settings was tested on Windows XP and Windows 7, and should work on other operating systems of the Windows family (Vista, 8 and 10). If you’ve found any errors or have questions, write in the comments. Also I will be grateful for the feedback specifying the operating system, the chosen method and the reason of your decision to reset the settings of Skype.


  1. 1 +1 0
    Aaron (karma: +4),
    As you know Skype has decided to take away personal greeting as an option which unfortunately for me will not work. I downgraded to Skype 7.30 and for about 3 months everything has worked great and the personalized greeting was working again. I dont know what happened but I think an update from windows 10 has made this feature no longer applicable. I even dumped and rebooted the program.It shows the personalized greeting and allows me to change the vm but it automatically goes to generic voice mail.I still have the old screen to make changes to personalized greeting. Any ideas on what I should do now. very frustrated !!!
    1. 0 -1 1
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Maybe I’m wrong, but I think there cannot be a workaround for it because greetings are saved on the Skype’s servers and I suppose that custom greetings cannot be uploaded anymore.
  2. 0 -1 1
    Linda Solway (karma: +2),
    Since Skype was updated, I can only see the person I am talking to. The other side has a picture of a camera. How do I get rid of the camera?
  3. 0 0 0
    Susan (karma: 0),

    My SKYPE says it can't connect to my camera and I should reset SKYPE. I figured out how to do that but am afraid that even though the above says contacts don't get lost when resetting I still worry about that.
    I have Windows 10 SKYPE and app version My camera is built in to my ASUS laptop and I reset it but that didn't help.

    This is the only place I found that clearly describes what actually happens in reset process. I look forward to your response. Thank you, Susan
  4. 1 +1 0
    Tommy (karma: +4),
    Can't use SKYPE I get, Oops something went wrong.
  5. 0 0 0
    Demetrios Papadopoulos (karma: 0),
    I can't operate Skype on my computer lately (which I am using for many years). Any time I try to open/operate Skype I get fror the system the following message:
    "For your security, you've been signed out. Sign back in to continue using skype".
    Since, after trying many times, I can not sign back in (as I am asked to do), could you please inform me how to do this in order to overcome the problem and make my Skype operating again? I thank yoy in advance.

    Sincerely yous

    Demetrios P. Papadopoulos
  6. 0 0 0
    Harry (karma: 0),
    Tried the manual method, didn't work. Any other suggestions? ver on Windows 10. I'm trying to reset the camera, it keeps crashing every time I try to go to a video call.

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