unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype Emoticon Art

Probably, most of the users of Skype, when chatting, use emoticons to express their emotions. But creative people, using Skype emoticons, draw interesting pictures (also known as Skype Emoticon Art). It is rather difficult to create emoticon art images manually, it takes a lot of time, and not always you get what you would like. That’s why I have created an online editor which can help you to draw pictures of Skype emoticons.

How to draw Skype Emoticon Art?

Drawing emoticon art images with the help of this editor is very simple: click on an emoticon in the block on the left, draw a masterpiece in the block on the right; after everything is done, copy the code from the 3rd block and paste it into the chat window of Skype. That’s all! And if you need inspiration, load a ready example from the 4th block, clicking on the appropriate link.

  • If you mistakenly put an emoticon into an unnecessary cell, click again on the cell to return to its previous value (i.e., an empty cell or previous emoticon).

  • If you accidentally deleted an emoticon with the eraser, click again on the empty cell to return the smiley.

  • If you need to draw a continuous line, after you have selected an emoticon, click on the cell and, holding the mouse button, move the cursor to the desired direction.

  • If you want to remove some emoticons, select the eraser, click on the cell and, holding the mouse button, move the cursor over those emoticons that you want to delete.

  • If you want emoticon art to be displayed in Skype in the form of large emoticons, make sure that the width of the image should not exceed 6 columns.

  • Please note that the last used emoticon is added to the top of the list — so commonly used emoticons are always at hand.

  • Remember that emoticon art images will be displayed correctly only in the latest versions of Skype, because older versions have different width of chat, and many emoticons are not displayed.

If you have created an interesting emoticon art image, encourage other people, share it in the comments!


  1. 2 +2 0
    Faith (karma: +8),
    Hi, I wanted to create my own emoticon for skype. How am I supposed to achieve that one? This is for special friend. On 22nd of April is her birthday and i wanted to surprise her. please help me to create an emoticon. Only One emoticon. Thank you.
    1. 1 -1 2
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Skype users cannot create custom emoticons. Therefore, you can draw a GIF yourself and send it as regular image.

      By the way, using Skype Emoticon Art Tool you can draw something like this:
      Skype Art
      1. 0 -1 1
        Faith (karma: +8),
        Oh, ho9w sad to know that. Thanks anyway...

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