unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype call rates to Ukraine

All Skype prices to "Ukraine" for landline and mobile numbers. Last time information has been updated . Note that there tariffs are specified in view of per-minute billing for pay as you go calls. If you frequently make calls to "Ukraine" and want to save, is worth considering to buy a Skype calling subscription.

For your convenience, we have developed a simple online calculator which allows calculate the cost of Skype calls. It is located at this page


Cost of 1 minute
+ $0.089
Connection fee

Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$1.889 = 0.180 × 10 + $0.089

Phone codes:

This rate is applied to calls that do not match phone codes for tariffs listed below. To avoid mistakes, we recommend to use the Skype call cost calculator.

Ukraine - Lviv

Cost of 1 minute
+ $0.089
Connection fee

Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$1.889 = 0.180 × 10 + $0.089

Phone codes:

Ukraine - Mobile

Cost of 1 minute
+ $0.089
Connection fee

Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$2.089 = 0.200 × 10 + $0.089

Phone codes:
38039, 38050, 38063, 38066, 38067, 38068, 38073, 38091, 38092, 38093, 38094, 38095, 38096, 38097, 38098, 38099

Ukraine - Kyiv

Cost of 1 minute
+ $0.089
Connection fee

Total cost of 10 minutes of conversation:
$1.889 = 0.180 × 10 + $0.089

Phone codes:


  1. 0 0 0
    Alan Rampe (karma: 0),

    I want to call my girlfriend converse, and see her (respectful) in South Ukraine. We want to use Skype. One version of Skype does not cover the Ukraine , i believe she also needs a better phone and was leaning toward purchasing an Apple I phone ixs and an apple laptop. Might there be any particular concerns? I have an ATT phone (Samsung J). What carrier might be better?
    What about picture clarity? The Walmart clerk said Apple is good on the security issues.
    Best buy was promoting a Dell with a powerful chip for $1100, coupled with an $82.00 camera.
    Are there problems with signal or picture clarity and would you recommend any technical assists?
    We both are studying the others language, but we heard about a real time translation device?
    Thank you for your reply, in advance.
    Alan Rampe
    1. 1 0 1
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! Let me clarify, do you want to buy an iPhone XS for a stranger?

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