Skype for Windows
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2 408 downloads
The first release of the version of Skype for Windows 2014 was rather small, and it seems, version of Skype for Windows does not include any innovations or additional features (at least, this is not written in the official blog). But given that each new version includes fewer and fewer mistakes, the developers strongly recommend the users to upgrade to the new version of Skype.

File size:
34.0 MBOperating system:
WindowsSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
2 408Changelog
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Fixed | Fixed a bug due to which Skype consumed too much CPU time, if Chrome was the default browser. |
Improved | Improved the stability of video calls in high DPI mode. |
Strings | sINFO_CONV_HIDE_TEXT := = To add a hidden conversation back to the Recent list, select View » Show Hidden Conversations from the main menu. |
Strings | sMSNP24_UPGRADE_MESSAGE_IN_P2P := = has updated this group with a better chat experience. To join and keep chatting get the latest download. Go to %0:sLearn more about new group chat%1:s. |
Strings | sCHAT_LEGACY_MEMBER_ADDED_SINGLE := = %0:s needs to update Skype to participate in this chat. Help by sending them to %1:sLearn more about new group chat%2:s. |
Strings | sCHAT_LEGACY_MEMBER_ADDED_PLURAL := = %0:s need to update Skype to participate in this chat. Help by sending them to %1:sLearn more about new group chat%2:s. |
Strings | sVP8LEGACY_CLIENT_GVC_CAPABLE := = %s needs to get the latest version of Skype at to experience group video and sharing. |
Strings | sVP8LEGACY_UPGRADE_MESSAGE := = You need to update Skype to participate in this group video call. Get the latest version at |
Strings | sCHAT_PROFILE_ONE_PERSON := %d person |
Strings | sCHAT_PROFILE_MANY_PERSONS := %d people |
Strings | sCHAT_PROFILE_ZERO_PERSONS := 0 people |
Strings | sCHAT_PROFILE_AVATAR_ACC_NAME := Conversation with %s, view profile |
Strings | sCHAT_HISTORY_P2P_CHAT := older chat |
Strings | sPARTICIPANT_CONTEXT_MENU_SETNUMBER := Group call to... |
Strings | sMAIN_MENU_DOGFOOD_FEEDBACK := Dogfood feedback |
Strings | sPLUS_MENU_SEND_SMS := Send SMS... |
Strings | sFLOW_AUTH_REQUEST_HEADER := <b>%s</b> would like to add you on Skype |
Strings | sCHAT_HISTORY_JUMPBACK := Jump Back |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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