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Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Android

In the Google Play Store has been announced a major release of the Skype for Android app, which brought several interesting and useful changes. The first thing may notice are some user interface changes according to the rules of the material design and new UI elements. For example, in Skype for Android has been updated the floating action button (FAB), on main screen has been added ability to search contacts, groups, bots and conversations, rotating tablet to landscape orientation makes the interface more comfortable showing the left side panel like the Skype for computers.

With this release has become easier to invite new users on Skype via SMS-messages. To do this, open Skype, go to the "Contacts" tab, click on the "arrow" which opens a drop-down menu and select "Contacts". Now it will be shown a list of contacts from your address book and next to each contact there is the "Invite" button.

Also version improves accessibility support, fixes various bugs and errors, including the most frequently encountered critical errors according to HockeyApp crash-reports.

Skype for Android

File size:

39.2 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Android. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Android, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Changed Updated user interface according to "material design" language
Tuned Updated floating action button
Tuned Added search on the main screen
New Left sidebar on landscape orientation
New Invite new friends to Skype using SMS-messages
Improved Accessibility improvements
Fixed Fixed call notification icon is not shown when user puts video call on hold
Fixed Fixed ongoing call screen displays "2 in call" after one person ends the group call
Fixed Fixed video call button is still active on SkypeOut call screen
Improved Optimized support for bidirectional languages
Strings abc_capital_off:
Strings abc_capital_on:
= ON
Strings acc_dialpad_add_number:
= Add Number
Strings acc_dialpad_screen_title:
= Dial pad screen
Strings bot_capability_string:
= Send and receive instant messages and photos
= 'Here's what you can do with this bot: '
Strings label_test_push_notifications:
= Test Push Notifications
Strings label_test_push_notifications_summary:
= Tap to test push notifications.
Strings text_IM_capability:
= IM
= send instant messages
Strings text_audio_call_capability:
= Audio Calls
= make voice calls
Strings text_bot_with_no_capability:
= read updates from bot
Strings text_group_chat_capability:
= Group Chat
= add bot to group chats
Strings text_group_video_call_capability:
= Group Video Call
= make group video calls
Strings text_screen_share_capability:
= Screen Share
= share screens
Strings text_send_any_mediamessage_capability:
= send media message
Strings text_send_audiomessage_capability:
= send audio messages
Strings text_send_contact_capability:
= send contacts
Strings text_send_file_capability:
= Send Files
= send files
Strings text_send_location_message_capability:
= share location
Strings text_send_moji_capability:
= send Mojis
Strings text_send_picture_capability:
= send photos
Strings text_send_videomessage_capability:
= send video messages
Strings text_test_push_dialog_error_message:
= Your device currently can not receive push notifications.
Strings text_test_push_dialog_error_title:
= Error
Strings text_test_push_dialog_network_error_message:
= Your device is offline and cannot receive push notifications.
Strings text_test_push_dialog_service_error_message:
= A test push notification was sent, but the Skype push service failed to acknowledge it.
Strings text_test_push_dialog_settings_error_message:
= Please check that notifications are enabled under settings.
Strings text_test_push_dialog_success_message:
= Your device is able to receive push notifications.
Strings text_test_push_dialog_success_title:
= Success
Strings text_video_call_capability:
= Video Calls
= make video calls
Strings chat_recyclerView_scrolling_behavior:
= @string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior
Strings acc_show_dialpad:
= Show dial pad.
Strings bottom_sheet_behavior:
Strings character_counter_pattern:
= %1$d / %2$d
Strings key_test_push_notifications:
= testPushNotifications
Strings sdk_version_name:
= 2.1.0502.0510
= 2.1.0503.0517
Strings text_signin_with_ms_account:
= Microsoft account
Strings text_signin_with_skype_account:
= Skype Name

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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