unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

94.5 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_PanelTitle:
= About People You May Know
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_FindFriends:
= Find friends on Skype in a flash
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_GetInTouch:
= Get in touch if you haven’t chatted lately
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_ControlPrivacy:
= You’re in control of your privacy
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_RelevantSuggestions:
= We pull relevant suggestions based on mutual contacts you’ve added or chatted with on Skype.
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_PrivacySettings:
= Privacy Settings
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_ManageInPrivacySettings:
= Manage how and when you’re found in {link}.
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_CloseButtonTitle:
= Close about people you may know panel.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_Reactions:
= Reactions
Strings AccessibilityLabel_TextMessageSending:
= {messageContent}. Message is being sent.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_NumberOfMinutesSecondsRecorded:
= {minuteCount, plural, =0{{secondCount, plural, =1{1 second recorded.} other{{secondCount} seconds recorded.}}} =1{1 minute and {secondCount, plural, =1{1 second recorded.} other{{secondCount} seconds recorded.}}} other{{minuteCount} minutes and {secondCount, plural, =1{1 second recorded.} other{{secondCount} seconds recorded.}}}}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_GalleryOpened:
= Gallery opened.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_GalleryClosed:
= Gallery closed.
Strings ActiveNowPanel_ActiveNowPanelTitle:
= Active Now
Strings ActiveNowPanel_CloseButtonAccessibilityTitle:
= Close active now panel
Strings ActiveNowPreview_ActivePeople:
= {count, plural, =1{1 person active} other{{count} people active}}
Strings ActiveNowPreview_ZeroActivePeople:
= No one is active now
Strings AlertCard_ReplyWithoutContent:
= {gender, select, female{{user} replied to your message.} male{{user} replied to your message.} other{{user} replied to your message.}}
Strings AlertCard_ReplyWithContent:
= {gender, select, female{{user} replied to your message:} male{{user} replied to your message:} other{{user} replied to your message:}}
Strings AudioVideoSettings_SpeakerVolumeSliderAnnouncement:
= Volume {volume}
Strings AudioMessageComposer_AudioMessageSent:
= Audio message sent
Strings AudioMessageComposer_AudioMessageCancelled:
= Recording cancelled
Strings PersonalizedOffersPanel_SectionTitleRecommendedSubs:
Strings CallReactionsBar_PhotoSharingLongCoachMarkLabel:
= Add photos to your call from your camera or gallery
Strings CallPanel_PhotoCoViewShortMessageDefault:
= Other people on this call are using previous versions of Skype and will not see your photos.
Strings CallPanel_CallForwarding:
= Your call is being forwarded free of charge. Please wait.
Strings CallPanel_RecordingVoicemail:
= Recording voice message
Strings CallPanel_CallStats:
= Call stats
Strings CapturePreview_PhotoCaptured:
= Photo captured
Strings CapturePreview_VideoCaptured:
= Video captured
Strings CapturePreview_SwipeToSeeEffects:
= Swipe to see effects
Strings ContactsPanel_PhoneTabTitle:
= Phone
Strings ContactsPanel_TabletTabTitle:
= Tablet
Strings ContactsPanel_PcTabTitle:
= PC
Strings ContactsPanel_MacTabTitle:
= Mac
Strings ContactsPanel_DeviceTabTitle:
= Device
Strings ContactsPanel_NoContactsHeader:
= Take your contacts everywhere
Strings ContactsPanel_FindFriends:
= Quickly find friends and people you've chatted with across devices by adding them as contacts.
Strings ContactsPanel_AddContactsButtonTitle:
= Add contacts
Strings ContactsPanel_ConnectWithFriendsHeader:
= Connect with your friends
Strings ContactsPanel_ConnectWithFriendsDevice:
= Add your device contacts and expand your Skype network with family and friends.
Strings ContactsPanel_ConnectWithFriendsPhone:
= Add your phone contacts and expand your Skype network with family and friends.
Strings ContactsPanel_ConnectWithFriendsTablet:
= Add your tablet contacts and expand your Skype network with family and friends.
Strings ContactsPanel_ConnectWithFriendsMac:
= Add your Mac contacts and expand your Skype network with family and friends.
Strings ContactsPanel_ConnectWithFriendsPC:
= Add your PC contacts and expand your Skype network with family and friends.
Strings ContactsPanel_ConnectButtonTitle:
= Connect
Strings AddContactPanel_AddOnSkypeButtonLabel:
= Add on Skype
Strings ContentPanelHeaderTitle_MoodMessageWrapper:
= Mood message: {moodMessage}
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_LearnMoreButton:
= Learn more
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_AlternativeDescriptionText:
= To help find your friends, we will periodically sync and store your contacts. You can change your privacy settings in Profile>Settings, including how people can find you.
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_LearnMoreModalTitle:
= Adding Your Phone Contacts
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_LearnMoreParagraph1Title:
= Use your contacts on all your devices
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_LearnMoreParagraph1Description:
= After you connect your contacts, they are periodically synced and securely stored. You’ll see who is on Skype and your contacts will also find you more easily in search. You can opt out of the “search and suggestions” feature in your privacy settings.
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_LearnMoreParagraph2Title:
= Easily stop syncing anytime
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_LearnMoreParagraph2Description:
= You can stop sharing your phone contacts with us through your privacy settings under your profile. If you choose to stop, we’ll remove your contacts who aren’t already on Skype.
Strings MobileRecentsFilter_ShowCategoriesCoachmarkTitle:
= Where did my Pinned chats go?
Strings MobileRecentsFilter_ShowCategoriesCoachmarkText:
= Pinned chats are now Favorites! Select 'Show categories' to pin your Favorites to the top.
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_ShowCategories:
= Show categories
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_HideCategories:
= Hide categories
Strings HighlightsPanel_MyHighlightsLabel:
= My Highlights
Strings HighlightsPanel_CreateHighlightsLabel:
= Create a highlight!
= Create a highlight.
Strings HighlightsPanel_CreateHighlightsAccessibilityLabel:
= Create a new highlight
Strings HighlightsPanel_AddAContactTitle:
= Add a contact to get started
Strings HighlightsPanel_AddAContactDescription:
= To view and share highlights, you’ll need to add your first contact on Skype.
Strings HighlightsPanel_AddAContactButtonLabel:
= Add a contact
Strings HighlightsPanel_AllHighlightsLabel:
Strings HighlightsPanel_NoNewHighlightsLabel:
= No new highlights
Strings HighlightsPanel_NoRecentPostsLabel:
= No recent posts
Strings Hub_NewModeratedGroupChatLabel:
= New Moderated Group
Strings Hub_TabCountAccessibilityLabel:
= Tab {count} of {total}
Strings LearnMoreAboutSuggestionsMenu_LearnMoreAccessibilityLabel:
= Learn more about people suggestions
Strings LearnMoreAboutSuggestionsMenu_MenuTitle:
= More
Strings LearnMoreAboutSuggestionsMenu_LearnMoreOption:
= Learn more
Strings LearnMoreAboutSuggestionsMenu_HideForNow:
= Hide for now
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchVisibilityStateEnable:
= Enable
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchVisibilityStateDisable:
= Disable
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchResultsHeaderTitleCaps:
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_HideYourAccount:
= Hide your account from Skype Directory search results and People You May Know:
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchResultsExplanation:
= You won’t appear in search results for people you haven’t chatted with
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchResultsSecondaryExplanation:
= People with your email or phone number may still be able to reach you.
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_RecommendationsExplanation:
= Your account will not be used to recommend friends to other people
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_RecommendationsSecondaryExplanation:
= Your account will be opted out from appearing as a mutual contact in search results and People You May Know.
Strings MessageComposer_RecordButtonTitle:
= Record message
= Record a message
Strings MessageStream_SkypeBeforeFriendshipConfirmation:
= {gender, select, female{Waiting for {userName} to accept invitation.} male{Waiting for {userName} to accept invitation.} other{Waiting for {userName} to accept invitation.}}
Strings NoSearchResults_SearchCategory:
= in {group} category
Strings Notifications_ReplyTitle:
= {creator} replied to you
Strings PstnUtils_EmergencySMSNotSupportedDevice:
= Emergency SMS is not supported on this device.
Strings PSTNCountryList_Result:
= Results
Strings PSTNCountryList_SearchCountryPlaceholder:
= Search country/region
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle1:
= You haven't made any calls on Skype yet
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle2:
= Get in touch with your contacts
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle3:
= Connect with the world
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle4:
= Start your first call
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle5:
= Call your friends
Strings PeopleList_PeopleYouMayKnowHeaderWithCount:
Strings PeopleList_AboutRecommendationsAccessibilityLabel:
= Learn more about people you may know.
Strings PeopleList_PhoneContactsHeader:
Strings PeopleList_TabletContactsHeader:
Strings PeopleList_MacContactsHeader:
Strings PeopleList_PcContactsHeader:
Strings PeopleList_AddContactButtonTitle:
= Add contact
Strings SearchResultsList_BotsHeader:
Strings SearchResultsList_BotsHeaderWithCount:
= BOTS ({count})
Strings SearchResultsList_SeeAll:
= See all
Strings ShareWithPanel_GenericCount:
= {count, plural, other{# items}}
Strings ShareWithPanel_MessagePlaceHolder:
= Type message here...
Strings ShareWithPanel_PhotoCount:
= {count, plural, other{# photos}}
Strings ShareWithPanel_ShareToSkypeHeader:
= Skype
Strings ShareWithPanel_ShareToSkypeAccessibilityHeader:
= Share using Skype
Strings ShareWithPanel_VideoCount:
= {count, plural, other{# videos}}
Strings StreamItem_ActionReply:
= Reply
Strings StreamItem_ActionReplyToSelection:
= Reply to selection
Strings GetStartedPanel_NewFeaturesText:
= New features.
Strings GetStartedPanel_NewLookText:
= New look.
Strings GetStartedPanel_AllSkypeText:
= All Skype.
Strings GetStartedPanel_LetsGoButtonText:
= Let's go
Strings CallRecordingChatMessages_StartedRecording:
= {name} started recording...
Strings CallRecordingChatMessages_StoppedRecording:
= {name} stopped recording
Strings HighlightsPanel_PremiumItemAccesibilityLabel:
= Premium highlights from {displayName}.
Strings PremimumHighlightThumbnail_NewIndidator:
= New
Strings PremiumPreviewItem_FullVideo:
= Full Video
Strings PremiumPreviewItem_Preview:
= Preview
Strings PremiumPreviewPanel_NoContent:
= No content

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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