Skype for Mac OS X
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The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

File size:
94.3 MBOperating system:
Mac OS XSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Strings | AccessibilityLabel_Sticker := a sticker {stickerName} |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleAudioAlternative1 := Test your sound |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleAudioAlternative2 := Test your audio |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleAudioAlternative3 := Check microphone and speakers |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleAudioAlternative4 := Hello hello? |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleAudioAlternative5 := First, your audio |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleVideoAlternative1 := Test your video |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleVideoAlternative2 := Test your camera |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleVideoAlternative3 := Check camera |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleVideoAlternative4 := {gender, select, female{Oh hi {name}} male{Oh hi {name}} other{Oh hi {name}}} |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleVideoAlternative4NoName := Oh hi! |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleVideoAlternative5 := Next, your video |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_AVTestTitleVideoAlternative6 := Set up your camera |
Strings | BalanceStatePanel_AtuEnabledAccessibilityLabel := Auto-recharge enabled |
Strings | BalanceStatePanel_AtuDisabledAccessibilityLabel := Auto-recharge disabled |
Strings | OfferCard_ContinuePurchaseButtonAccessibilityLabel := Proceed with {offerName} purchase |
Strings | CallPanel_SnapshotPosted := Snapshot posted |
Strings | CapturePanel_QRCodeStartChatTitle := Contact found. |
Strings | CapturePanel_QRCodeStartChatMessage := Would you like to start a chat? |
Strings | CapturePanel_QRCodeStartChatMessageConfirm := Start a Chat |
Strings | ContentPanelHeaderTitle_ProfessionalAccountProfile := Business Profile |
Strings | ContentToReactTransformer_StickerMediaIconPreviewLabel := Sticker |
Strings | CreateReminderPanel_SetReminderTitle := Set Reminder |
Strings | CreateReminderPanel_SetReminderButton := Set Reminder |
Strings | AvatarPickerDialog_ChooseProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative1 := Let them know it’s you |
Strings | AvatarPickerDialog_ChooseProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative2 := Help friends identify you |
Strings | AvatarPickerDialog_ChooseProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative3 := Share a friendly face |
Strings | AvatarPickerDialog_ChooseProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative4 := Personalize your profile |
Strings | AvatarPickerDialog_ChooseProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative5 := Add a profile picture |
Strings | AvatarPickerDialog_ChangeProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative1 := Help friends identify you |
Strings | AvatarPickerDialog_ChangeProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative2 := Share a friendly face |
Strings | AvatarPickerDialog_ChangeProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative3 := Personalize your profile |
Strings | AvatarPickerDialog_ChangeProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative4 := Keep your picture updated |
Strings | DesktopRecentsFilter_ShowFavorites := Show favorites |
Strings | DesktopRecentsFilter_HideFavorites := Hide favorites |
Strings | IntegrationsView_RecentCategory := RECENT |
Strings | IntegrationsView_RecentCategoryDescription := Your recently used |
Strings | IntegrationsView_FeaturedCategory := = FEATURED |
Strings | IntegrationsView_FeaturedCategoryDescription := Recommended for you |
Strings | IntegrationsView_MediaCategory := MEDIA |
Strings | IntegrationsView_MediaCategoryDescription := Share GIFs and videos |
Strings | IntegrationsView_ProductivityCategory := PRODUCTIVITY |
Strings | IntegrationsView_ProductivityCategoryDescription := Do more in conversation |
Strings | IntegrationsView_InformationCategory := INFORMATION |
Strings | IntegrationsView_InformationCategoryDescription := Find restaurants, movies, news and more |
Strings | HighlightsPanel_CreateHighlightsLabel := = Create a highlight |
Strings | HighlightsPanel_CreateHighlightsLabel2 := = Start sharing with friends |
Strings | HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_NewUserIntroCardTitle := Share your life on highlights |
Strings | HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_NewUserIntroCardDescription := Share your favorite photos and videos of the day and catch up with highlights from the people you care about most. |
Strings | HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ManageUsersCardTitle := Who can view your highlights? |
Strings | HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ManageUsersCardDescription := Your highlights will only be viewable to your Skype contacts. Control who can see your highlights in Settings. |
Strings | HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_GetStartedButtonLabel := Get started |
Strings | HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ReturningUserCardTitle := Welcome back to highlights |
Strings | HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ReturningUserCardDescription := It’s now even easier to share highlights with friends and family on Skype. |
Strings | HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ReturningUserCardSecondaryDescription := Your highlights are now visible to all your Skype contacts. |
Strings | HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ManageUsersButtonLabel := Manage |
Strings | HighlightsItemView_TapToChatButtonLabel := Chat |
Strings | HighlightsItemView_TapToViewLinkLabel := See more |
Strings | InputEntity_StickerFallbackText := A sticker was sent to you, but this version of Skype doesn't support it. Get the latest Skype version at |
Strings | InviteFreePreview_NewPeople := {count, plural, =1{1 new person} other{{count} new people}} |
Strings | InviteFreePreview_InviteFreeContactsHeader := PEOPLE YOU'VE ENGAGED WITH |
Strings | InviteFreePeoplePanel_PanelTitle := People you've engaged with |
Strings | InviteFreePeoplePanel_CloseButtonAccessibilityLabel := Close people you've engaged with panel. |
Strings | ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchVisibilityStateEnabled := Enabled |
Strings | ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchVisibilityStateDisabled := Disabled |
Strings | ManageSearchInfoPanel_PhoneVerificationActionDisable := Disable |
Strings | ManageSearchInfoPanel_PhoneVerificationActionEnable := Enable |
Strings | MarkConversationsReadConfirmationDialog_DialogTitle := Mark all as read |
Strings | MarkConversationsReadConfirmationDialog_MarkReadButtonTitle := Mark all as read |
Strings | MarkConversationsReadConfirmationDialog_MarkReadDialogContent := Are you sure you want to mark all conversations as read? |
Strings | MediaBar_StickerPickerTitle := Open Sticker picker |
Strings | MediaBar_StickerPickerActiveTitle := Close Sticker picker |
Strings | MediaBar_StickerPickerErrorText := There was a problem loading Stickers, please try again later. |
Strings | MediaPickerPanel_Capture := Capture |
Strings | MessageStream_MessagesSelected := = Selected Messages: {count} |
Strings | MessageStream_MessageCopied := Copied to clipboard |
Strings | MyHighlightsPanel_ActiveHighlightsTitle := ACTIVE HIGHLIGHTS |
Strings | MyHighlightsPanel_ArchivedHighlightsTitle := ARCHIVED HIGHLIGHTS |
Strings | MyHighlightsPanel_CreateHighlightDescriptionText := Start sharing with friends |
Strings | MyHighlightsPanel_NoArchivedHighlightsText := Your highlights will be archived automatically after 7 days. |
Strings | Notifications_StickerBody := Sticker |
Strings | Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle7 := Selfies 🤳 are lot more fun with new Skype. Personalize them with photo effects, stickers, or drawings |
Strings | Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle8 := More fun for everyone. Bring friends and family together with colorful group chats and a whole lot of 😜😳😂 |
Strings | Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle9 := Personalize it in a hue that’s you, share your favorite GIFs and say it in style 👌 |
Strings | PesPicker_RecentStickerTabTitle := Recently used Stickers |
Strings | PesPicker_RecentStickerPackTitle := = Recently Used Stickers |
Strings | PesPicker_RecentCaptureStickerPackTitle := Recently |
Strings | PesPicker_SearchStickers := Search stickers |
Strings | PesPicker_StickerTitle := = Stickers |
Strings | PesSearch_StickerPickerNoResultsSearchText := No stickers found. |
Strings | PesSearch_SearchStickerLabel := Search Stickers |
Strings | PesSearch_SearchResultsAnnouncementStickers := {count, plural, =0{No stickers found.} =1{1 sticker found.} other{# stickers found.}} |
Strings | Onboarding_LandingScreenStartConversationAlternativeCallToAction := Start a conversation |
Strings | Onboarding_LandingScreenStartConversationDescription := Search for someone to start chatting with or go to Contacts to see who is available. |
Strings | Onboarding_EditMoodMessageButtonTitle := Edit mood message |
Strings | Onboarding_SaveMoodMessageButtonTitle := Save mood message |
Strings | PSTNDialerPanel_InvalidNumberError := The number you entered is invalid, please check and try again. |
Strings | RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeLayoutTitle := Skype to Skype calls are free |
Strings | RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeLayoutDescription := Voice or video call anyone on Skype for free - no matter where they are. |
Strings | RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeLayoutLink := Learn about calling mobile and landlines |
Strings | ShareGroup_ShareGroupLinkButtonTitle := Share Link |
Strings | UserSettingsPanel_CortanaNotebookTitle := Cortana's Notebook |
Strings | UserSettingsPanel_DefaultCountryAccessibilityLabel := Your country region, {countryTitle}, selected, collapsed |
Strings | UserSettingsPanel_SetDefaultCountryAccessibilityLabel := Set your country and region |
Strings | PeopleList_GenericPeopleHeaderWithCount := PEOPLE ({count}) |
Strings | PeopleList_NewPeopleHeaderWithCount := NEW PEOPLE ({count}) |
Strings | PeopleList_AddAllButtonTitle := Add all |
Strings | CallingSettingsPanel_CallForwardingLabel := = Call forwarding and voicemail |
Strings | PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative1 := You're almost set |
Strings | PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative2 := Almost done |
Strings | PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative3 := Get calls and chats ready |
Strings | PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative4 := Almost there |
Strings | PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative5 := One final step |
Strings | PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative6 := Finish setup |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_ar := لغة الجهاز |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_bg := Език на устройството |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_ca := Idioma del dispositiu |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_cs := Jazyk zařízení |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_da := Enhedssprog |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_de := Gerätesprache |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_el := Γλώσσα συσκευής |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_en := Device language |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_es := Idioma del dispositivo |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_et := Seadme keel |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_fi := Laitteen kieli |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_fr := Langue de l'appareil |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_he := שפת מכשיר |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_hi := डिवाइस की भाषा |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_hr := Jezik uređaja |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_hu := Az eszköz nyelve |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_id := Bahasa perangkat |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_it := Lingua del dispositivo |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_ja := デバイスの言語 |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_ko := 장치 언어 |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_lt := Įrenginio kalba |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_lv := Ierīces valoda |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_ms := Bahasa peranti |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_nb := Språk for enheten |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_nl := Taal van het apparaat |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_pl := Język urządzenia |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_pt := Idioma do dispositivo |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_ro := Limba dispozitivului |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_ru := Язык устройства |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_sk := Jazyk zariadenia |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_sl := Jezik naprave |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_sr := Jezik uređaja |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_sv := Enhetsspråk |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_th := ภาษาของอุปกรณ์ |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_tr := Cihaz dili |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_uk := Мова пристрою |
Strings | ResetLanguageOption_vi := Ngôn ngữ thiết bị |
Strings | ShareWithPanel_TextMessageWarningSharingWithHighlights := Text messages are not supported on Highlights |
Strings | SignInSignUp_WelcomeToSkypeHeader := Welcome to Skype |
Strings | SignInSignUp_WelcomeBackHeader := Welcome back |
Strings | SignInSignUp_UseAnotherAccount := Use another account |
Strings | SignInSignUp_SignInWithHeader := Sign in with... |
Strings | SignInSignUp_ContinueAs := Continue as {name} |
Strings | SignInSignUp_SkypeCannotBeUsedAsTelephoneReplacement := Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and should not be used to send emergency SMS or calls. |
Strings | SignInSignUp_NewFeaturesText := New features. |
Strings | SignInSignUp_NewLookText := New look. |
Strings | SignInSignUp_AllSkypeText := All Skype. |
Strings | SignInSignUp_LetsGoButtonText := Let's go |
Strings | StreamItem_ReadByCount := READ BY ({count}) |
Strings | StreamItem_ReadByMarkerAccessibilityLabel := {count, plural, =1{Conversation read up to this point by 1 person.} other{Conversation read up to this point by {count} people.}} |
Strings | StreamItem_ReadByPopupAccessibilityTitle := People who have read the conversation up to this point |
Strings | StreamItem_ClickToSeeMoreReadReceiptsTitle := Click to see more |
Strings | CallRecorderToast_StopRecordingLinkText := Stop recording. |
Strings | CallRecorderToast_IsRecordingText := {name} is recording. |
Strings | CallRecorderToast_PrivacyStatementText := Avoid legal snags by telling people they're being recorded. |
Strings | CallRecorderToast_RecordingInitiatorMorePrivacyInfoLinkText := More privacy info |
Strings | CallRecorderToast_MorePrivacyInfoLinkText := Click here for more privacy info. |
Strings | DesktopRecentsFilter_ShowCategories := |
Strings | DesktopRecentsFilter_HideCategories := |
Strings | ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchVisibilityStateVisible := |
Strings | ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchVisibilityStateHidden := |
Strings | ManageSearchInfoPanel_PhoneVerificationActionHide := |
Strings | ManageSearchInfoPanel_PhoneVerificationActionShow := |
Strings | SingleTapSignIn_ExistingAccountLabel := |
Strings | SingleTapSignIn_RejectSingleTapSignInButtonLabel := |
Strings | GetStartedPanel_NewFeaturesText := |
Strings | GetStartedPanel_NewLookText := |
Strings | GetStartedPanel_AllSkypeText := |
Strings | GetStartedPanel_LetsGoButtonText := |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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