unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Android

A new version of Skype for Android has been released. You can install it from the Play Store or download from our blog. As for changes in the Skype for Android, about them nothing is yet known.

Skype for Android

File size:

31.2 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Android. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Android, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AudioVideoSettings_WebcamMaybeNotPresent:
= Not seeing your webcam? {learnMoreLink}.
Strings ScreenSharingModal_IncludeAudioText:
= Share computer sound
Strings ScreenSharingModal_IncludeAudioToggleAccessibilityLabel:
= Include audio with your screen share session
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallFundedBy_FreeCallLong:
= Call Free on Skype
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallFundedBy_CreditTitle:
= Dial {number}
Strings CallCard_GoLiveStartedMarker:
= {caller} is live
Strings CallCard_GoLiveStartedMarkerCurrentUser:
= You are live
Strings CallBanner_AddPeopleToTheCallTooltip:
= Add people to the call
Strings CallBanner_MorePeopleInTheCallTooltip:
= {count, plural, =1{1 more person in the call} other{# more people in the call}}
Strings CallManagerHelper_IncomingVideoNotificationLabel:
= {Name} wants to enable two-way video.
Strings CallPanel_GoLiveMessage:
= You are now live
Strings CallPanel_GoLiveDescription:
= We've notified rest of your group.
Strings ContactsStore_SkypeContactListName:
= Skype
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_BotReceivesAllContentText:
= {botName} receives all audio, video, messages and content sent in this group.
Strings CortanaConsentModal_Description:
= Cortana needs permission to sign in and use location and IM conversations to personalize your Cortana experiences in Skype and other services.
= Cortana needs permission to sign in and use Skype IM conversations and location to personalize any Cortana experiences that use this account.
Strings ColorThemeDialog_SelectedDarkToggleTitleAccessible:
= Dark theme type selected
Strings ColorThemeDialog_SelectedLightToggleTitleAccessible:
= Light theme type selected
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_Title_1:
= Save money with better rates
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_Title_2:
= Your minutes refresh each month*
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_Title_3:
= You can have more than one subscription at the same time
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_SubTitle:
= Go to to discover the calling options
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_Disclaimer:
= *Cancel any time on your account page.
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_OfferButtonCardLabel:
= Learn more
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_OfferCardTitle:
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_OfferCardLongTitle:
= Landlines and mobiles Pay monthly
Strings Hub_NewChatMenuShortLabel:
= Chat
Strings Hub_NewCallMenuShortLabel:
= Call
Strings Hub_NewContactMenuShortLabel:
= Contact
Strings InAppWebBrowser_ShowErrorDetails:
= Details
Strings InAppWebBrowser_HideErrorDetails:
= Hide details
Strings HighlightsLandingScreen_ShareHighlightsTitle:
= Share highlights with friends
Strings HighlightsLandingScreen_ShareHighlightsDescription:
= Share your favorite photos and videos of the day and catch up with highlights from the people you care about most.
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle38:
= Your friends are just a tap away
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle39:
= Your new Skype is just a tap away
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle40:
= Shorten miles, broaden smiles
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle41:
= Don't forget to sign in to your new Skype
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle42:
= Call US mobiles and landlines for free
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle38:
= Stay connected with friends with Skype video calls
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle39:
= Turn everyday chats into memorable moments with new Skype
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle40:
= Distances no more. Stay connected with loved ones with Skype video calls
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle41:
= Sign in to Skype now to relive old memories and create new ones with a video call
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle42:
= You’re one step away from free group video calling, messaging, and more!
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle43:
= Make free calls to mobiles and landlines in the United States from India
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabel:
= Phone number
= Phone number.
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabelEnterToCall:
= Phone number. Press Enter to dial the phone number.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_GeneralTitle:
= General
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ContactsTitle:
= Contacts
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SendReadReceiptsDisabledComment:
= Read receipts will not be shown whenever your presence is set to Invisible. {learnMoreLink}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SendReadReceiptsLearnMore:
= Learn more
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SmsSettingsTitle:
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_EnableNdiDisabledDuringCallTooltip:
= NDI can only be enabled when there are no active calls
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_BroadcastTermsOfServiceLinkTitle:
= Broadcast Terms of Service
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_BroadcastTermsOfServiceDisclaimer:
= Using Skype in a broadcasted program is subject to Skype's {link}.
Strings SearchInputControl_CloseSearchAccessibilityLabel:
= Close search
Strings ShareWithPanel_ShareTargetRemovedAnnouncement:
= {displayName} removed
Strings ShareWithPanel_ShareTargetSelectedAnnouncement:
= {displayName} selected
Strings SignInSignUp_MSHelperText:
= Use your Microsoft account. {link}
Strings SignInSignUp_MSHelperLinkText:
= What's this?
Strings SignInSignUp_SkypeHelperLinkText:
= Need help?
Strings SignInSignUp_AutoSignedInWelcomeHeader:
= Skype is now enabled
Strings SignInSignUp_AutoSignedInWelcomeText:
= You are now signed in as {signinname}. Launch Skype to make free calls, send messages or change your Skype settings.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PairingPanelHeader:
= Select which device you'd like to be able to send and receive SMS messages with. Use the verification code to ensure you're connecting to the right device.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PairingPanelFooter:
= Don't see your device? Check that Skype is open and you're signed in using the same account.'
Strings SmsConnectTerminalSettings_EnableSmsRelayTerminal:
= Enable SMS Connect
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SmsRelayTitle:
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_EnableSmsRelayAgent:
= Enable SMS Connect
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_ConnectedTerminals:
= Connected Devices
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_ForgetAllPairedTerminals:
= Forget all devices
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_AllowPairingWithTerminal:
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_DenyPairingWithTerminal:
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_TerminalAuthRequestTs:
= Sent at: {timestamp}
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_TerminalAuthRequestEpname:
= Connect to: '{epname}'
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_TerminalAuthRequestPin:
= SMS Relay Request Code
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_ConnectedPhone:
= Connected phone
Strings SmsRelaySettingsPanel_DisconnectPhone:
= Disconnect phone
Strings SmsRelayTerminalSettingsPanel_EnableSmsRelayTerminal:
= Enable SMS Connect
Strings WelcomePanel_MSHelperLinkText:
= What's this?

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
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• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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