unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

90.2 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AboutPanel_UWPPackageVersion:
= Application version {version}
Strings AboutPanel_SkypeVersion:
= Skype version {version}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_FileDownloadStarted:
= Download started
Strings AccessibilityLabel_FileDownloadSuccess:
= Download complete
Strings AccessibilityLabel_FileDownloadError:
= Download failed
Strings AccessibilityLabel_FileCancelDownload:
= Cancel download
Strings AccessibilityLabel_FileUploadProgress:
= Uploading
Strings AccessibilityLabel_OpenFile:
= File size {fileSize}, open file
Strings AccessibilityLabel_DownloadFile:
= File size {fileSize}, download file
Strings AccessibilityLabel_NewConversationMessage:
= New message from {senderName}, {messageContent}, received at {timestamp}.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_NewThreadMessage:
= New message in group conversation {senderName}, {threadName}, {messageContent}, received at {timestamp}.
Strings AppPreview_AppPreviewHeading:
= Skype App Preview
Strings AppPreview_AppPreviewDescription:
= Gain access to exciting new Skype features by joining the Skype App Preview program.
Strings BalanceStatePanel_NoSubscriptionsIntro:
= Get Unlimited* calls to a country, region of over 40 countries worldwide with a subscription
= Get unlimited* calls to over 40 countries and regions worldwide with a subscription.
Strings CallControls_ScreenSharingOptions:
= Screen sharing options
Strings CallCard_GoLiveStartedMarker:
= {caller} is live
= {caller} went live
Strings CallPanel_OpenRecentsButtonTitle:
= Open recent chats
Strings CallPanel_CloseRecentsButtonTitle:
= Close recent chats
Strings CapturePreview_UnableToOpenCamera:
= Error opening camera
Strings CapturePreview_UnableToOpenCameraDescription:
= Please ensure the camera is enabled and is not being used by another application.
Strings ContactsPanel_MacContactsButtonTitle:
= Mac Contacts
Strings ContactsPanel_PcContactsButtonTitle:
= PC Contacts
Strings ContactsPanel_LoadingContacts:
= Loading contacts...
Strings AddContactPanel_AddContactButtonLabel:
= Add contact
Strings ContactsStore_ContactSpecialNotes:
= Skype contact
Strings ContentPanelHeader_GoLiveCoachMarkText:
= Start a call instantly, without ringing everyone in the group.
= Start your video without ringing everyone in the group.
Strings ContentPanelHeader_CallDisabledWhenGoLiveEnabledToolTip:
= This group is too large to call. Try going live instead.
Strings ContentPanelHeader_CallDisabledToolTip:
= This group is too large to call.
Strings ContentPanelHeader_GoLiveToolTip:
= Go live - start your video without ringing everyone
Strings ContentPanelHeader_GoLiveDisabledToolTip:
= This group is too large to go live in.
Strings ConversationsListItem_CellularMessage:
= Cellular message
Strings Global_CountOfTotal:
= {count} of {total}
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_NoMembersDialogTitle:
= Share highlights with people
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_NoMembersDialogText:
= To get started, select all the friends and family you’d like to share your highlights with
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_NoMemberSelectedDialogTitle:
= Are you sure?
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_NoMemberSelectedDialogText:
= If you don’t share your highlights with any of your contacts, your photo will not be posted.
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_SelectTitle:
= Select
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_IAmSureTitle:
= I’m sure
Strings HighlightsItemView_MediaPostedJustNowLowerCase:
= just now
Strings Hub_InviteToSkypeLabel:
= Invite to Skype
Strings Hub_SyncMacContacts:
= Sync Mac contacts
Strings Hub_SyncPcContacts:
= Sync PC contacts
Strings Hub_AddContactMenuLabel:
= Add contact
Strings Hub_AddBotMenuLabel:
= Add bot
Strings Hub_DiscoverPeopleMenuLabel:
= Discover people
Strings Checkout_Title:
= Checkout
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteLabel:
= Delete chat
= Delete Skype conversation
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogTitleE2EE:
= Delete Private Chat
= Delete private conversation
Strings InputEntity_StickerFallbackText:
= A sticker was sent to you, but this version of Skype doesn't support it. Learn more by visiting
= A sticker was sent, but this version of Skype doesn't support it. Learn more by visiting
Strings LocalNotificationGoLiveCategory_JoinEventTitle:
= Join
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_PanelTitleSplitPolicySettings:
= Manage how people find you
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchResultsHeaderTitleCapsSplitPolicySettings:
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchResultsSecondaryExplanationSplitPolicySettings:
= Appear in search results for people you haven’t chatted with.
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_RecommendationsSecondaryExplanationSplitPolicySettings:
= Appear as a recommendation in People You May Know suggestions.
Strings MediaViewer_OpenedHighlightPicture:
= {senderName}'s picture posted {postedTime}
Strings MediaViewer_PlaySomeonesHighlightVideo:
= Play {senderName}'s video posted {postedTime}
Strings MediaViewer_PlayingHighlightVideo:
= Playing {senderName}'s video posted {postedTime}
Strings MessageComposer_MessageEditedLabel:
= Message edited.
= Sent Edited Message.
Strings MyProfilePanel_GiveFeedbackButtonTitle:
= Give feedback
Strings Notifications_IncomingGoLiveMessage:
= {caller} is live in '{group}'
Strings PesSearch_EmoticonPickerNoResultsSearchText:
= No emoticons found.
= No emoticons found
Strings PesSearch_MojiPickerNoResultsSearchText:
= No Mojis found.
= No Mojis found
Strings PesSearch_StickerPickerNoResultsSearchText:
= No stickers found.
= No stickers found
Strings PesSearch_GifPickerNoResultsSearchText:
= No GIFs found.
= No GIFs found
Strings Onboarding_MoodMessageSaved:
= Mood message saved
Strings Onboarding_WizardThemeStepNextButton:
= Confirm
Strings Onboarding_WizardContactsSyncStepNextButton:
= Connect
Strings Onboarding_WizardStepNextButton:
= Next
Strings Onboarding_WizardAvatarStepNextButton:
= Confirm
Strings ProfileCard_SignedInAs:
= Signed in as
Strings PSTNDialerPanel_ContactsButtonTitle:
= Contacts
Strings QuickCallPanel_GroupMembersNotOnCallSectionHeader:
= {count, plural, =1{1 GROUP MEMBER NOT ON CALL} other{# GROUP MEMBERS NOT ON CALL}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AboutTitleUpper:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_YourProfileTitleUpper:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_OtherUpperTitle:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ContactsUpperTitle:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HelpAndAboutTitle:
= Help & About
= Help & Feedback
Strings UserSettingsPanel_MessagingAndChatsTitle:
= Messaging & Chats
= Messaging
Strings UserSettingsPanel_MessagingAndChatsUpperTitle:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AppearanceButton:
= Appearance
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AppearanceButtonUpper:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_CallSettingsTitle:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ManageButton:
= Manage
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ManageButtonUpper:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_IncludeMeInSearchAndSuggestionsSplitPolicySettings:
= Appear in search results
Strings UserSettingsPanel_IncludeMeInRecommendation:
= Appear in suggestions
Strings UserSettingsPanel_DontIncludeMinorsInRecommendation:
= Children are always hidden from recommendations.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ManageBlockedUsersTitle:
= Manage blocked users
= Manage blocked contacts
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ManageContactsTitle:
= Manage contacts
Strings UserSettingsPanel_BlockedContactsTitle:
= Blocked contacts
Strings UserSettingsPanel_BlockedContactsEmptyStateText:
= You have no blocked contacts
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ConnectedContactsTitle:
= Connected contacts
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ConnectedContactsExplanation:
= Connected contacts are contacts you've added, spoken with or synced from your device. They are able to view your Skype profile and see your online presence.
Strings PeopleList_FromAddressBookAnnotation:
= From your address book
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_EnableNdiButtonLabel:
= Allow NDI usage
= Allow NDI® usage
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_EnableNdiDisabledDuringCallTooltip:
= NDI can only be enabled when there are no active calls
= NDI® can only be enabled when there are no active calls
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_EnableNdiExplanation:
= Allow the use of NDI (Network Device Interface) to capture your call participants' audio and video information. It will be available on your network subnet and may be visible to others.
= Use NDI® technology to capture audio and video feeds and make them available to others on the subnet of your computer network.
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_EnableNdiLinkTitle:
= Learn more about NDI
= Learn more about NDI®
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_NdiRegisteredTrademarkExplanation:
= NDI is a registered trademark of NewTek, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
= NDI® is a registered trademark of NewTek, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_AlternativeDescriptionText:
= For the best Skype experience, allow microphone, camera and notifications.
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_MicrophonePermissionDescriptionText:
= Enable your microphone for calls and more.
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_CameraPermissionDescriptionText:
= Enable your camera for video calls and photos.
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_NotificationPermisionDescriptionText:
= Never miss a call or a chat.
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_PermissionsProgressNumeric:
= {count} / {total}
Strings InviteShare_MoreButtonLabel:
= More
Strings InviteShare_MoreButtonSubtitle:
= Send as SMS, email or through another app
Strings InviteShare_QRCodeCaption:
= This is your unique QR code for another person to scan
Strings InviteShare_GroupSharingHint:
= Share your group's link to anyone on or off Skype to join the group easily.
Strings InviteShare_MissingAvatarBannerTitle:
= Add a profile photo?
Strings InviteShare_MissingAvatarBannerCloseButtonLabel:
= Close missing profile photo banner
Strings InviteShare_MissingAvatarBannerMessage:
= Help your friends recognize you when you share.
Strings InviteShare_MissingAvatarBannerUploadPhotoButtonLabel:
= Upload profile photo
Strings SmsSettings_SmsSettingsHeader:
= Send & receive SMS
Strings SmsSettings_ViaSkypeSms:
= Via Skype SMS​
Strings SmsSettings_ViaSkypeSmsSecondary:
= Send SMS messages using Skype and pay with Skype Credit. Messages will be sent via a short code number along with your Skype Name. If you prefer, you can decide to show your own number instead.
Strings SmsSettings_ViaSkypeSmsConnect:
= Via your phone with SMS Connect
Strings SmsSettings_ViaSkypeSmsConnectSecondary:
= Use Skype on your Windows or Mac to read and reply to your Android phone's SMS messages. Respond wherever is most convenient while still using your existing SMS app on your phone. Carrier charges may apply.
Strings SmsSettings_SmsConnectCompleteSetupButton:
= Complete setup
Strings SmsSettings_SmsConnectSettings:
= Settings
Strings SmsSettings_SmsConnectSettingsDevices:
= {count, plural, =1{1 device​} other{{count} devices}}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PhoneVerificationPanelHeader:
= Confirm your phone number​
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PhoneVerificationHeader:
= Confirm your phone number​
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PhoneVerificationPlaceholder:
= Phone number
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PhoneVerificationOkButton:
= OK
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PhoneVerificationFooter:
= Enter your phone number so SMS messages can be shown correctly on Skype.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelHeader:
= SMS Connect
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDeviceHeader:
= Select which devices you’d like to be able to send and receive SMS messages with. To make sure you're connecting the right device, compare the verification code shown here to the one shown on the device you're trying to pair. Find your device verification code at Skype > Settings > SMS.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelConnected:
= Connected devices ({count})
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelConnectedNoDevices:
= No devices connected.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelRemoveAllButton:
= Remove all
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelRemoveAllButtonHeader:
= Remove all devices​
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelRemoveAllButtonBody:
= Are you sure you want to remove all devices from SMS Connect? Your SMS conversations will also be deleted from Skype.​
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelRemoveAllButtonConfirm:
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelAvailable:
= Available devices ({count})
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelAvailableDeviceName:
= {deviceName}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelAvailableDevicePin:
= Verification code {pin}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDeviceFooter:
= Don't see your device? Check that Skype is open and you're signed in using the same account.
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CancelButtonText:
= No
Strings WindowCloseUtils_ConfirmButtonText:
= Yes
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CloseButtonAlertTitle:
= Quit Skype
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CloseButtonAlertText:
= Quitting Skype will also end all current calls. Are you sure you want to quit?
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CloseAppNotificationToastTitle:
= Quit Skype
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CloseAppNotificationToastBody:
= Quitting Skype and ending all current calls.
Strings StreamItem_ViewLink:
= View link
Strings StreamItem_SendToAddin:
= Create to-do
Strings UserProfilePanel_NamePlaceholder:
= Name
Strings UserProfilePanel_MoodMessageLabel:
= Mood message
Strings CallMediaCapturerToast_StopLinkText:
= Stop NDI
= Stop NDI®
Strings CallMediaCapturerToast_StartedInitiatorAccessibilityLabel:
= Started using NDI
= Started using NDI®
Strings CallMediaCapturerToast_StoppedInitiatorAccessibilityLabel:
= Stopped using NDI
= Stopped using NDI®
Strings Plugin_Save:
= Save
Strings Plugin_Cancel:
= Cancel
Strings Plugin_CreateTaskTitle:
= Create task
Strings Plugin_NewFolder:
= Skype To-Do
Strings Plugin_Saved:
= Task saved successfully
Strings AboutPanel_Version:
= Skype version {version}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_NewMessage:
= New message from {senderName}, {messageContent}, received at {timestamp}.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_CallingAndVoiceMailSettingsWindowTitle:
= Calling & Voice Mail
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ManageUsersTitle:
= Manage users
Strings UserSettingsPanel_BlockedUsersTitle:
= Blocked users
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ConnectedUsersTitle:
= Connected users
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ConnectedUsersExplanation:
= Connected users are contacts you've added, spoken with, or synced from your device. They can see your presence status and certain info in your Skype profile.
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_BroadcastTermsOfServiceLinkTitle:
= Broadcast Terms of Service
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_BroadcastTermsOfServiceDisclaimer:
= Using Skype in a broadcasted program is subject to Skype's {link}.
Strings InviteShare_MoreButtonButtonLabel:
= More
Strings InviteShare_MoreButtonButtonSubtitle:
= Send as SMS, email or through another app
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PairingPanelHeader:
= Select which device you'd like to be able to send and receive SMS messages with. Use the verification code to ensure you're connecting to the right device.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PairingPanelFooter:
= Don't see your device? Check that Skype is open and you're signed in using the same account.'
Strings UsersStore_TextMessageDisplayName:
= {phoneNumbers} (SMS)

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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