unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

88.6 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AccessibilityLabel_NewThreadMessage:
= New message in group conversation {senderName}, {threadName}, {messageContent}, received at {timestamp}.
= {senderName} sent a message {messageContent} at {timestamp} in group conversation {threadName}.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_RemovedMessageThreadAnnouncement:
= {senderName} removed message {messageContent} from {threadName} at {timestamp}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_RemovedMessageConversationAnnouncement:
= {senderName} removed message {messageContent} at {timestamp}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_BotAddedAnnouncement:
= Bot is added as a contact.
Strings AgentsDiscoveryPanel_MoreButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= View more {category} bots.
Strings AudioVideoSettings_AVTestBody:
= Let’s make sure your equipment is on and working properly. You can always change this later in your Profile Settings.
= Let’s make sure your equipment is on and working properly. You can always change this later in Profile > Settings > Audio & Video.
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_Title:
= Skype Number
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_Copied:
= Copied to clipboard
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_GetLabel:
= Get another Skype Number
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_LearnMoreLabel:
= Learn more
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_NextPayment:
= Next payment: {date}
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_AccessibilitySettingsButton:
= {skypeNumber} settings
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_AccessibilityCopyButton:
= Copy to clipboard {skypeNumber}
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_ActionReactivate:
= Reactivate
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_ActionExtend:
= Extend
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_NumberOfDaysToReactivate:
= {count, plural, =1{You have 1 day to reactivate this number} other{You have # days to reactivate this number}}
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_SkypeManager:
= Skype Manager funded
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_ExpiredOn:
= Expired on {date}
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_Expires:
= Expires {date}
Strings CallControls_HangupAllMessageDesktop:
= End call for everyone
Strings CallControls_LeaveCall:
= Leave call
Strings CallControls_MicrophoneServerMutedAccessibilityLabel:
= Your microphone has been muted by another participant on the call.
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StartWishUBot:
= Start virtual reality call
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StopWishUBot:
= Stop virtual reality call
Strings CallPanel_CallRosterTitle:
= {count} of {total}
= {count} of {total} in the call
Strings CallPanel_MicrophoneMuteNotSupported:
= Microphone mute is not supported for this user
Strings CallPanel_MicrophoneUnMuteNotAllowed:
= You cannot unmute other participants on the call
Strings CallPanel_SnapshotFailureMiniToast:
= Unable to take a snapshot
Strings CallPanel_DeviceCausingEcho:
= Someone on the call may be causing an echo... echo... echo. Try asking them to mute their microphone
Strings CallPanel_MicrophoneNotMuteButSilent:
= Your microphone is not picking up any sound. Check that it is not on mute or try switching to a different microphone
Strings CallPreview_CallPreviewViewLabel:
= Go live preview
Strings CallPreview_JoinNowButtonTitle:
= Jump in
Strings CallPreview_ToggleVideoOnLabel:
= Video on
Strings CallPreview_ToggleVideoOffLabel:
= Video off
Strings CallPreview_ToggleVideoAccessibilityLabel:
= Video
Strings CallPreview_ToggleCameraLabel:
= Camera
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_DescriptionText:
= To help find friends on Skype we will periodically send your contacts to Microsoft. You can change your privacy settings in Profile > Settings, including how people can find you.
= To help find friends on Skype we will periodically send your contacts to Microsoft. You can change your privacy settings in Profile > Settings > Contacts, including how people can find you.
Strings AvatarPickerDialog_DescriptionText:
= Add a picture that represents you to customize how others see you. You can always change this later in Profile > Settings.
= Add a picture that represents you to customize how others see you. You can always change this later in Settings > Account & Profile.
Strings FilePicker_LimitExceeded:
= Too many files selected
Strings FilePicker_LimitExceededContent:
= You have picked too many files. Limit is {value}.
Strings TodoAddin_DeletedTodo:
= Task deleted. Tap to undo.
Strings TodoAddin_DeleteConfirmationTitle:
= '{itemToDelete}' will be permanently deleted.
Strings TodoAddin_DeleteTodoConfirmationMenuOption:
= Delete to-do
Strings TodoAddin_DeleteListConfirmationMenuOption:
= Delete list
Strings TodoAddin_DeletedTodoList:
= Task list deleted.
Strings TodoAddin_MyLists:
= My Lists
Strings MediaBar_GifPickerErrorText:
= There was a problem loading GIFs, please try again later.
Strings MessageStream_UnreadMarkerStickerTemplated:
= {timestamp} – Unread messages
Strings MessageStream_MessagesSelected:
= {count, plural, other{{count} selected}}
= {count, plural, =1{{count} message selected} other{{count} messages selected}}
Strings Notifications_IncomingGoLiveMessageOnAndroidDesktop:
= {caller} went live
Strings Notifications_IncomingGoLiveMessageOnIOS:
= {caller} went live in '{group}'
Strings Notifications_IncomingGoLiveMessageJoinButtonLabel:
= Join
Strings Notifications_IncomingGoLiveMessageCloseButtonLabel:
= Close
Strings PesPicker_EmptyRecentGifs:
= Recently used GIFs will appear here.
Strings PesPicker_SearchGifs:
= Search GIFs
Strings PesPicker_GifPackHeaderAccessibilityLabel:
= {title} - contains {count} GIFs.
Strings PesPicker_BingImageSearchAttribution:
= Found on Bing from {host}
Strings PesPicker_BackupBingImageSearchAttribution:
= Found on Bing
Strings PesSearch_GifPickerTrendingTitle:
= Trending GIFs
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselHeaderWithName:
= {gender, select, female{Welcome back, {name}} male{Welcome back, {name}} other{Welcome back, {name}}}
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselHeader1:
= Welcome back!
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselHeader2:
= Everything is in place
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselHeader3:
= Try out some fun new features
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselBody1:
= Thanks for updating to the latest version of Skype. Let’s take a quick look around…
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselBody2:
= Find all your usual chats, calls and contacts over on the left-hand side.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselBody3:
= From @mentions and screen sharing to better notifications and themes, Skype helps you stay in touch and get things done.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselVisitSkype:
= Visit {link} to learn more.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselVisitSkypeLink:
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselNextPage:
= Next page
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselPreviousPage:
= Previous page
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselProgressNumeric:
= {currentPage} / {totalPageCount}
Strings PSTNCountryList_SearchResult:
= {count, plural, =0{No results found} =1{1 result found} other{{count} results found}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EnableReactionPushNotifications:
= Reactions
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EnableReactionPushNotificationsSecondary:
= Receive push notifications when someone reacts to your message.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EnableSplitViewMode:
= Enable split view mode
Strings UserSettingsPanel_DisableSplitViewMode:
= Disable split view mode
Strings InviteShare_SharingHint:
= Share your link to anyone on or off Skype to connect with you easily.
= Connect with anyone by sharing a link to your profile with them - even if they're not on Skype.
Strings InviteShare_GroupSharingHint:
= Share your group's link to anyone on or off Skype to join the group easily.
= Share your group's link with anyone on or off Skype to join the group easily.
Strings ShareWithPanel_SearchResultsHeaderCaps:
Strings SignInSignUp_MSHelperText:
= Use your Microsoft account. {link}
= Use your Skype or Microsoft account. {link}
Strings SmsSettings_ViaSkypeSmsSecondary:
= Send SMS messages using Skype and pay with Skype Credit. Messages will be sent via a short code number along with your Skype Name. If you prefer, you can decide to show your own number instead.
= Send SMS messages using Skype. Pay with Skype Credit.
Strings SmsSettings_ViaSkypeSmsConnectSecondary:
= Use Skype on your Windows or Mac to read and reply to your Android phone's SMS messages. Respond wherever is most convenient while still using your existing SMS app on your phone. Carrier charges may apply.
= Use Skype on your PC or Mac to read and reply to your Android phone's SMS messages.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PhoneVerificationPanelHeader:
= Confirm your phone number​
= SMS Connect (1/2)
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelHeaderCampaign:
= SMS Connect (2/2)
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDeviceHeader:
= Select which devices you’d like to be able to send and receive SMS messages with. To make sure you're connecting the right device, compare the verification code shown here to the one shown on the device you're trying to pair. Find your device verification code at Skype > Settings > SMS.
= Select which devices you’d like to be able to send and receive SMS messages with.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevicesFollowSteps:
= No available device. Follow these steps to get set up.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevicesStep1:
= 1. Install Skype on your computer from
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevicesStep2:
= 2. Open the Skype on your computer
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevicesStep3:
= 3. Sign in with {skypeId}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConfirmAuthReqTitle:
= Connect {epname}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConfirmAuthReqBody:
= Verification code: {pin} For extra security, match the verification code from the one on your compupter. Find your computer's verification code at Skype > Settings > Messagin > SMS
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConfirmAuthReqButton:
= Confirm
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectNotificationHeader:
= SMS Connect on {devicename}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectNotificationText:
= Allow Skype on {devicename} to access this phone?
Strings WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferCloseButtonAlertText:
= Are you sure you want to quit Skype? Your file transfer will stop and you'll have to restart it the next time you open Skype.
= Are you sure you want to quit Skype? Your file transfer will stop and restart automatically the next time you open Skype.
Strings ToggleSwitch_OffWithTextAccessibilityLabel:
= {text}, Off,
= {text}, Off
Strings ToggleSwitch_OnWithTextAccessibilityLabel:
= {text}, On,
= {text}, On
Strings Plugin_CreateTaskHelpText:
= Your to-do will be saved in Microsoft To-Do
= This will be saved in Microsoft To-Do
Strings Plugin_Saved:
= Task saved to Microsoft To-Do. Tap to open.
= Task saved in Microsoft To-Do. Tap to open.
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourPhoto:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your photo.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your photo.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your photo.}}
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourVideo:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your video.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your video.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your video.}}
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourAudio:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your audio message.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your audio message.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your audio message.}}
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourFile:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your file.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your file.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your file.}}
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourCall:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your call.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your call.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your call.}}
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourPost:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your message.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your message.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your message.}}
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourPostWithContent:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your message} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your message} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your message}}
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourHighlight:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your highlight.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your highlight.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your highlight.}}
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourLocation:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your location.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your location.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your location.}}
Strings PushNotification_OnePersonReactedToYourSwiftCard:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your card.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your card.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your card.}}
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourPhoto:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your photo.
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourVideo:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your video.
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourAudio:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your audio message.
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourFile:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your file.
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourCall:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your call.
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourPost:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your message.
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourPostWithContent:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your message
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourHighlight:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your highlight.
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourLocation:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your location.
Strings PushNotification_TwoPeopleReactedToYourSwiftCard:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your card.
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourPhoto:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your photo.}}
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourVideo:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your video.}}
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourAudio:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your audio message.}}
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourFile:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your file.}}
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourCall:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your call.}}
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourPost:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your message.}}
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourPostWithContent:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your message}}
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourHighlight:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your highlight.}}
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourLocation:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your location.}}
Strings PushNotification_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourSwiftCard:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your card.}}

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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