Skype for Windows
1 249 downloads
The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below. Although it is not known what changed in the Skype for Windows, we can only assume that the application has become better.

File size:
61.0 MBOperating system:
WindowsSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
1 249Changelog
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Strings | AboutPanel_Copyright := = © 2019 Skype & Microsoft |
Strings | AccessibilityLabel_DiverseEmoticonAccessibilityLabel := = Double tap and hold to bring up more options |
Strings | AccessibilityLabel_PlayButton := = Play audio message, {timeElapsedLabel} |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_CameraDeniedPermissionDescription := Skype needs access to your camera. {learnMoreLink}. |
Strings | OfferCard_SeeRatesAccessibilityLabel := See calling rates around the world |
Strings | CallPanel_CompositeAudioChanged := Composite audio device changed to {deviceName}. |
Strings | CallPanel_GroupCallRingless := Ringless group calling |
Strings | CallPanel_GroupCallRinglessExplanation := We know its not always ok to interrupt when you want to talk - so now when you start a group call, you can choose whether to ring the group or just send a notification. |
Strings | CallPanel_GroupCallRingLessContinueToCallButtonTitle := Continue to call |
Strings | CallTranscription_ExpandButton := Open subtitle history panel |
Strings | CallTranscription_Collapse := = Close subtitle history panel |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneDeniedPromptMac := To grant Skype permission to access your microphone, go to Mac System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy Tab, and grant access to Skype. |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionCameraDeniedPromptMac := To grant Skype permission to access your camera, go to Mac System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy Tab, and grant access to Skype. |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionBackgroundExecutionDeniedPromptWindows := Incoming call and message notifications may not arrive due to your current background apps setting. Go to Windows Settings > Privacy > Background apps and enable Skype. |
Strings | AddPhoneNumberPanel_PhoneNumberLabel := Phone number |
Strings | ContentPanelHeader_SMSConversationTabWithNumber := SMS (*{digits}) |
Strings | ContentPanelHeader_SMSConnectConversationTabWithNumber := Phone SMS (*{digits}) |
Strings | ContentPanelHeader_SkypeSMSConversationTabWithNumber := Skype SMS (*{digits}) |
Strings | ConversationsListItem_BotConversation := bot |
Strings | ConversationsListItem_CellularMultimediaItems := {count, plural, =1{1 multimedia item} other{# multimedia items}} |
Strings | SyncAddressBookDialog_PrivacyAndCookiesButtonText := Privacy & Cookies |
Strings | DateTimePickerDialog_DatePickerAccessibilityLabel := = Pick the scheduled call date |
Strings | DateTimePickerDialog_TimePickerAccessibilityLabel := = Type the scheduled call time |
Strings | DetailsPanelHeader_SearchInConversationButton := Search in conversation |
Strings | OneDrive_FolderEmptyAnnounceText := The folder '{folderName}' is empty |
Strings | KeyboardShortcuts_GlobalHotkeysHeader := Global Hotkeys |
Strings | KeyboardShortcuts_DeclineIncomingCall := Decline incoming call |
Strings | MessageComposer_DraftDecorator := [draft] |
Strings | MessageComposerOverflow_CloseTitle := = Close content and tools |
Strings | MyProfilePanel_UploadErrorMessage := = Failed to upload your image. This is most likely caused by a network error. Please check your connection and try again. |
Strings | Notifications_AddedToConversationByUser := {gender, select, female{{displayName} added you to {conversationName}} male{{displayName} added you to {conversationName}} other{{displayName} added you to {conversationName}}} |
Strings | Notifications_AddedToConversationDefault := You have been added to {conversationName} |
Strings | PesPicker_GiphyAttribution := = Found on |
Strings | PesPicker_SendGif := {gifName}. Double tap to send |
Strings | PesPicker_EmoticonGroupPickerAnnouncement := More {emoticonName} options |
Strings | UserSettingsPanel_AllowCallsFromContactsOnlyOldPanel := = Only allow Skype calls from contacts to ring on this device |
Strings | UserSettingsPanel_FileDownloadLocationLabel := = When I receive a file |
Strings | UserSettingsPanel_AutoDownloadFilesTitle := = Auto-download files |
Strings | UserSettingsPanel_GlobalHotkeys := Enable global hotkeys |
Strings | UserSettingsPanel_GlobalHotkeysSecondary := Global hotkeys allow you to perform Skype actions when the app is minimized or not in focus. |
Strings | SubtitlesSettingsPanel_SpokenLanguageDefaultLabel := = App language |
Strings | SubtitlesSettingsPanel_LanguageToTranslateSubtitlesToDefaultLabel := = Spoken language |
Strings | SearchResultsList_QRCodeErrorMessage := There was a problem getting your QR code. Please try again later. |
Strings | ShareWithPanel_AudioMessageDuration := Duration - {duration} |
Strings | SignInSignUp_ErrorNoNetwork := Unable to sign in, please check your internet connection and try again. |
Strings | SignInSignUp_ErrorSecurity := For your security, you've been signed out. Sign back in to continue using Skype. |
Strings | SignOutConfirmation_SignOutRemoveAccountTitle := Yes and remove my account |
Strings | Poll_VoteSubmittedAccessibilityAnnouncement := Submitted vote for option {option} |
Strings | Poll_VoteRemovedAccessibilityAnnouncement := Removed vote for option {option} |
Strings | WebFooter_Copyright := = © 2019 Skype and/or Microsoft. |
Strings | WebFooter_Copyright2 := = © 2019 Skype & Microsoft. |
Strings | WebBanner_BannerText := Your comments and feedback are crucial to improving the Skype for Web experience. {link1} or {link2} |
Strings | WebBanner_ReportAProblemLink := Report a problem |
Strings | WebBanner_LeaveFeedbackLink := Leave feedback |
Strings | BatterySavePrompt_ToastTitle := = Update your Background Apps setting |
Strings | BatterySavePrompt_ToastDescription := = You may be missing Skype calls and messages due to your current settings. |
Strings | BatterySavePrompt_PromptText := = Select ‘Yes’ to continue receiving Skype calls and messages in the background |
Strings | SplitViewDeeplink_ConfirmationTitle := Enable split view |
Strings | SplitViewDeeplink_ConfirmationText := Are you sure you want to enable the split view mode? |
Strings | SplitViewDeeplink_ConfirmationButton := Confirm |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionBackgroundExecutionDeniendPromptWindows := |
Strings | LoginScreen_ErrorNoNetwork := |
Strings | MessageComposerOverflow_Title := |
Strings | MessageComposerOverflow_SendTitle := |
Strings | MessageComposerOverflow_ShareTitle := |
Strings | MessageComposerOverflow_AddTitleShort := |
Strings | MessageComposerOverflow_SendTitleShort := |
Strings | MessageComposerOverflow_ShareTitleShort := |
Strings | PesPicker_GifAttribution := |
Strings | SubtitlesSettingsPanel_SpokenLanguageAppLanguageOverrideDefaultLabel := |
Strings | SubtitlesSettingsPanel_LanguageToTranslateSubtitlesToAppLanguageOverrideDefaultLabel := |
Strings | SwiftQuickReplyListView_BotIconAccessibilityLabel := |
Files | /resources/app.asar [-848.7KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RTMPLTFM.dll [+6.79KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmCodecs.dll [-0.29KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmControl.dll [+1.5KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmMediaManager.dll [+1.5KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/TxNdi.dll [+307KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/sharing-indicator.node [+0.2KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/skypert.dll [+3.7KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/slimcore.node [+87.5KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/ssScreenVVS2.dll [+0.5KB] |
Files | /third-party_attributions.html [-0.2KB] |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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