unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

91.7 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AudioVideoSettings_BlurBackgroundForAll:
= Blur my background for all calls
Strings CallControls_CallButtonRequestScreenShareControl:
= Request control
Strings CallControls_CallButtonStopScreenShareControlFromViewer:
= Stop control
Strings ScreenSharingModal_SwitchWindow:
= Switch window
Strings ScreenSharingModal_PreviewUnavailable:
= Preview unavailable
Strings CallManagerHelper_IncomingVideoNotificationLabel:
= {Name} wants to enable two-way video.
= {Name} started video, tap here to share your video.
Strings CallPanel_ScreenSharingControlGainedNotificationText:
= You now have control
Strings CallPanel_ScreenSharingControlLostNotificationText:
= You no longer have control
Strings CallPanel_ScreenSharingControlRequestFailedNotificationText:
= Your request for control was not accepted
Strings CallPanel_ScreenSharingControlRequestSharerBusyNotificationText:
= Your request for control was not accepted. Please try again later.
Strings CallPanel_DialpadUnavailableTitle:
= Dial pad is unavailable
Strings CallPanel_DialpadUnavailableMessage:
= Unfortunately, the dial pad cannot be used while subtitles are enabled. Please restart the call without subtitles to use the dial pad.
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_IncomingCall:
= Incoming call
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_IncomingVideoCall:
= Incoming video call
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_IncomingAudioCall:
= Incoming audio call
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_MessageButtonText:
= Message
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_AudioButtonText:
= Audio
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_VideoButtonText:
= Video
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_DeclineButtonText:
= Decline
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_CallButtonAudioLabel:
= Answer call from {conversationName} with voice only
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_CallButtonVideoLabel:
= Answer call from {conversationName} with video
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_CallButtonDeclineLabel:
= Decline
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_CallButtonMessageBackLabel:
= Decline call from {conversationName} and message back
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_CantTalkMessage:
= Can't talk now. What's up?
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_CallRightBackMessage:
= I'll call you right back.
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_CallLaterMessage:
= I'll call you later.
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_CallMeLaterMessage:
= Can't talk now. Call me later?
Strings MobileIncomingCallPanel_DefaultOption:
= Custom message...
Strings ContentPanelHeaderTitle_TranslatorButtonTitle:
= Translator
Strings DNDSettingDialog_CallAndChatNotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to do not disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls or messages.
= Your presence has been set to do not disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls or messages.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_CallNotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to do not disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls.
= Your presence has been set to do not disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_ChatNotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to do not disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming messages.
= Your presence has been set to do not disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming messages.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_NotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to do not disturb. You will receive notifications about incoming messages.
= Your presence has been set to do not disturb. You will receive notifications about incoming messages.
Strings FileSizeHelpers_Bytes:
= Bytes
= B
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_GlobalCategoryHeader:
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_FocusScreenSharingToolbar:
= Focus on screen sharing bar
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportGoogleContactsSubtitle:
= Find people you know on Skype.
= Find people you know on Skype
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleSignInBodyText:
= Find friends and family already using Skype through a one-time import of your Google contacts. To get started, simply sign in to your Google account and we'll match your Google contacts to people on Skype.
= Find friends and family already using Skype through a one-time import of your Google contacts. To get started, simply sign in to your Google account and we'll match your Google contacts to people on Skype.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ContactsImportedTitle:
= Hooray! We've found the following Google contacts on Skype.
= Import successful. These are your contacts we've found on Skype.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_WaveToUserDisplayNameAccessibilityLabel:
= Wave to {displayName}
Strings MyProfilePanel_LaterLabel:
= Later
Strings MyProfilePanel_MsaProfilePicturePromptMessage:
= Do you want to use your above Microsoft account photo?
Strings MyUserInfo_DeleteFromSkypeProfileLabel:
= Delete from Skype profile
= Remove from Skype profile
Strings MyUserInfo_DeletePhoneConfirmation:
= Are you sure you want to delete the phone number from Skype profile?
= Are you sure you want to remove the phone number from Skype profile?
Strings MyUserInfo_DeleteEmailConfirmation:
= Are you sure you want to delete the email address from Skype profile?
= Are you sure you want to remove the email address from Skype profile?
Strings MyUserInfo_DeletePhoneNumber:
= Delete phone number
= Remove phone number
Strings MyUserInfo_DeleteEmailAddress:
= Delete email address
= Remove email address
Strings MyUserInfo_DeleteVerifiedPhoneNumber:
= Are you sure that you want to remove the phone number from Skype profile? Please note this will not remove the phone number from your Microsoft account.
Strings MyUserInfo_DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress:
= Are you sure that you want to remove the email address from Skype profile? Please note this will not remove the email address from your Microsoft account.
Strings PSTNConversation_CallToNumberFreeButtonLabel:
= Calls to this number are free
Strings PSTNConversation_AddCreditLink:
= Add Skype Credit to call this number
Strings PstnUtils_CallDroppedNoCreditTitle:
= You ran out of Skype Credit
= Your Skype Credit balance is low.
Strings PstnUtils_CallFailedNoCreditTitle:
= You don't have Skype Credit
= You don't have Skype Credit or subscription.
Strings PstnUtils_InsufficientFunds:
= Add Skype Credit to call friends on their mobiles or landlines, or invite them to Skype to enjoy free calls.
= You can buy Skype Credit or calling subscription to call people not on Skype, or invite them to Skype to start making FREE calls.
Strings PstnUtils_NoSubscriptionCoverTitle:
= This number isn't included in your current subscription
= This number isn't included in your current subscription.
Strings PstnUtils_NoSubscriptionCoverMessage:
= You can buy Skype Credit to call numbers outside your subscription, or invite them to Skype.
= You can quickly add credit to call people not on Skype, or invite them to Skype to start making FREE calls.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslateMessagesAndCallsExplanation:
= Your spoken language is set to {spokenLanguageLink} When enabled, chat and call audio & subtitles will be translated for everyone in the group
= Your spoken language is set to {spokenLanguageLink} When enabled, chat and call audio & subtitles will be translated for everyone in the group. {learnMoreLink}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslateMessagesAndCallsAppLanguageNotSupportedExplanation:
= Your spoken language is not supported. Please select a different language {spokenLanguageLink}. When enabled, chat and call audio & subtitles will be translated for everyone in the group. {learnMoreLink}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslateMessagesAndCallsExplanationLearnMoreLinkText:
= Learn more
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslateMessagesAndCallsAppLanguageNotSupportedSelectLinkText:
= Select
Strings UserSettingsPanel_GlobalHotkeysSecondary:
= Global hotkeys allow you to perform Skype actions when the app is minimized or not in focus.
= Global hotkeys allow you to perform Skype actions when the app is minimized or not in focus. {learnMoreLink}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EmailMissedCallRemindersEnabledDescription:
= Receive e-mail reminders about calls you had missed.
= Receive email reminders about calls you had missed.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EmailMissedMessageRemindersEnabledLabelV2:
= Missed chat reminders
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EmailMissedMessageRemindersEnabledDescription:
= Receive e-mail reminders about messages you had missed.
= Receive email reminders about messages you had missed.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EmailMissedMessageRemindersEnabledDescriptionV2:
= {count, plural, =1{Receive email reminder about chats you have missed in the last 1 hour.} other{Receive email reminder about chats you have missed in the last {count} hours.}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EmailNotificationsTitleUpper:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_NotifyOnPresenceChangeLabel:
= Show presence change notification
= Contact comes online notification
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HotkeysLearnMoreLink:
= Learn more
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_EnableSubtitlesForAllCallsLabel:
= Show subtitles for all voice and video calls
= Show subtitles for all calls
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_EnableSubtitlesForAllCallsExplanation:
= All voice and video calls will start with subtitles turned on by default.
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_OnlyShowSubtitlesForOtherParticipantsExplanation:
= What you say will not be included in subtitles.
Strings ScreenSharingControlAnnouncements_RequestingControlAnnouncement:
= {viewer_display_name} is requesting control
Strings ScreenSharingControlAnnouncements_SharingControlAnnouncement:
= {viewer_display_name} has control
Strings CallCard_GoLiveStartedMarker:
= {caller} went live
Strings CallCard_GoLiveStartedMarkerCurrentUser:
= You are live
Strings CallPanel_PoorNetworkWarning:
= Poor network connection
Strings CallPanel_GoLiveMessage:
= You are now live
Strings CallPanel_GoLiveDescription:
= We've notified the rest of your group.
Strings CallPanel_IncomingCall:
= Incoming call
Strings CallPanel_IncomingVideoCall:
= Incoming video call
Strings CallPanel_IncomingAudioCall:
= Incoming audio call
Strings CallPanel_MessageButtonText:
= Message
Strings CallPanel_AudioButtonText:
= Audio
Strings CallPanel_VideoButtonText:
= Video
Strings CallPanel_DeclineButtonText:
= Decline
Strings ContentPanelHeader_GoLiveTitle:
= Go Live
Strings ContentPanelHeader_CallDisabledWhenGoLiveEnabledToolTip:
= This group is too large to call. Try going live instead.
Strings StreamItem_SendToAddin:
= Create a task
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteCallButtonLabel:
= Delete Skype call

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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