Skype for Mac OS X
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The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. As for changes in the Skype for Mac OS X, on the official website, the developers reported the following:
- Translated Conversations: Talking and chatting with people all over the world in a different language just got even easier with Translated Conversations in Skype. Learn more about Translated Conversations.
- Share Away: We've made it easier to give Skype permission to share your screen on Macs running the lastest macOS (Catalina). Learn more about sharing your screen on Skype for Mac.
- Check It: We've added the Checkmark and the Crossmark to our available emoticons. Learn more about emoticons in Skype.
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.

File size:
97.8 MBOperating system:
Mac OS XSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Strings | BalanceStatePanel_AddCreditButtonTitle := Add credit |
Strings | BalanceStatePanel_BuyCreditButtonTitle := Buy credit |
Strings | BalanceStatePanel_NoCreditButtonTitle := No credit |
Strings | CallCard_TranslationRequest := Translation request |
Strings | CallPreview_CameraAndMicrophoneOff := Video and audio switched off |
Strings | CallPreview_CameraOff := Video switched off |
Strings | CallPreview_MicrophoneOff := Audio switched off |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionScreenRecording := Screenshare |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionScreenRecordingPrePrompt := Grant Skype permission to share your screen. |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionScreenRecordingDeniedPrompt := To grant Skype permission to share your screen, go to Mac System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Screen Recording, and grant access to Skype. |
Strings | ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_TranslationsRequestedMessage := Translated Conversation requested |
Strings | ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_TranslationRequestCancelled := Translated Conversation request cancelled |
Strings | ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_TranslationRequestDeclined := Translated Conversation request declined |
Strings | DetailsPanelHeader_StartPhoneCallButtonTitle := Start phone call |
Strings | GroupProfilePanel_ShareCopyButtonLabel := Copy link to clipboard |
Strings | GroupProfilePanel_ShareCopiedButtonLabel := Copied to clipboard |
Strings | LocationPicker_LocationSent := Location sent |
Strings | ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchResultsHeaderTitleCapsSplitPolicySettings := = SEARCH |
Strings | PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabelNumberPlaceholder := Phone number, text field |
Strings | PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabelEnteredPhoneNumber := Phone number: {number}, text field |
Strings | UserSettingsPanel_TranslationPrivacyConsentSwitch := To improve the accuracy of Skype Translator, allow Microsoft employees and vendors to review voice snippets we’ve taken steps to de-identify. You can change your permissions at any time. {learnMoreLink} |
Strings | TranslationBanner_RequestReceivedTextv2 := {gender, select, female{{userName} wants to enable Translated Conversations. To control how your data is used {learnMoreLink}} male{{userName} wants to enable Translated Conversations. To control how your data is used {learnMoreLink}} other{{userName} wants to enable Translated Conversations. To control how your data is used {learnMoreLink}}} |
Strings | TranslationBanner_OldBotDeprecationTextV1 := Skype Translator is getting an upgrade. From {date}, the Skype Translator bot will no longer appear in your contact list and will not respond to new messages. Instead translations can be turned on in the profile view for all contacts. |
Strings | TranslationBanner_OldBotDeprecationTextV2 := Skype Translator is getting an upgrade. From {date}, the Skype Translator bot will no longer appear in your contact list and will not translate new messages. Instead translations can be turned on in the profile view for all contacts. |
Strings | TranslationBanner_TryNewTranslationsButtonV1 := Try the new experience |
Strings | TranslationBanner_TryNewTranslationsButtonV2 := Enable translations with {userName} |
Strings | StreamItem_DumpMessage := Dump message |
Strings | StreamItem_DumpMessagePretty := Dump message (formatted) |
Strings | CallSubtitleToast_MultipleSpokenLanguageWarningText := = Oops, we can't detect your language. |
Strings | MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuCopyLink := Copy link |
Strings | MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuSkypeContacts := Skype contacts |
Strings | MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuSMS := SMS / Text message |
Strings | MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuOutlook := Outlook Mail |
Strings | MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuGmail := Gmail |
Strings | MeetNow_XSkypeContactInvited := {count, plural, =1{1 Skype contact} other{# Skype contacts}} invited |
Strings | MeetNow_ShareLinkSMSDialogTitle := SMS / Text message |
Strings | MeetNow_ShareLinkSMSDialogMessage := Send an SMS / Text message to your contacts by typing the URL below on your phone's texting app |
Strings | MeetNow_EmailInviteSubject := Meet Now on Skype |
Strings | MeetNow_EmailInviteBody := You have been invited to meet on Skype. Click here to join the meeting {link} |
Strings | MeetNow_MobileInviteMessage := You have been invited to meet on Skype. Click here to join the meeting |
Strings | MeetNow_YourCallHasStartedLabel := Your call has started |
Strings | MeetNow_MeetNowPanelSubTitleForNonGuest := {gender, select, female{Are you ready to Meet Now?} male{Are you ready to Meet Now?} other{Are you ready to Meet Now?}} |
Strings | MeetNow_MeetNowPanelTitleForGuest := {gender, select, female{Hello {name}! Are you ready to Meet Now?} male{Hello {name}! Are you ready to Meet Now?} other{Hello {name}! Are you ready to Meet Now?}} |
Strings | MeetNow_StartCall := Start call |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_ImportContacts := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_ImportGoogleContactsTitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_ImportGoogleContactsSubtitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsTitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsSubtitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleSignInBodyText := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleSignInButtonTitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_ImportingContactsPlaceholderText := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_ContactsImportedHeader := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_ContactsImportedTitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_NoMatchesFoundHeader := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_NoMatchesFoundTitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_NoMatchesFoundBodyText := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactAnnotationText := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsOAuthAbortedErrorTitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsOAuthPermissionDeniedErrorTitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsErrorTitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_ImportButtonTitle := |
Strings | ImportGoogleContacts_WaveToUserDisplayNameAccessibilityLabel := |
Strings | SettingsLanguages_LanguageAndTranslationLabel := |
Strings | SmsConnectRelaySettings_EnableSkypeInBackgroundLabel := |
Strings | SmsConnectRelaySettings_EnableSkypeInBackgroundDescription := |
Strings | MeetNow_MeetNowPanelSubTitle := |
Strings | MeetNow_GotToChatButton := |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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