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Download Skype for Windows Vista

Skype for Windows Vista, or simply Skype for Vista, uses the same installer as Skype for Windows XP. However, unlike Windows XP, Mojis and video messages work on Windows Vista…
«More about Skype for Windows Vista»

(259 votes)

File size:

54.8 MB

Operating system:

Windows XP/Vista

Current version:

Last release:

Total downloads:

385 070


  1. 0 0 0
    keeto (karma: +3),
    dear fellow[fella!perhaps] wow, you are tremendous. truly. :)
    a little mess[hope not]. am unable to install the latest as in 7.36... version
    compatibility, runas admin...nothing changed the OS, vista home prem. install .exe's inability.
    plese, send on.a 'fix' if there is one. thanks most appreciatively.

    am not too worried or bothered i guess if the install won't/doesn't happen. i'll throw pc out onto a roof as a suicider!...i'll stand by that statement. poor ole said, these idiot ms idots. they know nada, just the money. can't take it with them? they don't care!!!
    it is such a pity that ms has decided, to mess up the customers[loyal ones-we KNOW the best os's available. we care. metinks, others do not, enuff,.] rather than the idiots! :),
    take care of You. there is only one of your unique! bfn.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Hello! Unfortunately, Microsoft has disabled Skype 7 and users cannot use it anymore on any operating systems. At this moment the only known solution is to use Skype for Web on Windows XP and Windows Vista.
  2. 0 0 0
    Luís Domingues (karma: +3),
    Desejo instalar o Skype no meu computador, com Windwos Vista, mesmo que seja uma versão antiga.

  3. 0 0 0
    WILLEM SCHEEPERS (karma: 0),
    I need to communicate local and abroad.
  4. 0 0 0
    Giorgos Teftsis (karma: 0),
    Good morning. yes is mine.
  5. 0 0 0
    hilton (karma: +11),
    I am trying to reinstall skype on my desktop nut cannot seem to load it can someomen pls help me i have windows vista service pack 2 on my pc i need to find a version that compatablie with vista i cannot seem to find one when i try install new version its says cannot connect to skye due to not been connect to internet but my wifi is connected it also says something about port settings

    please can some one help me do i have to load the web cam first before skype


    hilton heyman
  6. 0 0 0
    william (karma: +3),
    I have had a hard time getting skype downloaded.

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