unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Problems with sending/receiving chat messages

From the official Skype Heartbeat blog: We are aware of a problem, where users may not be able to send or receive Skype chat messages. Our engineering team is already on the case!

Number of users confirming this error: ???

Information about this error was published automatically. Soon the information will be reviewed by the administrator.

Chronicle of events:

  • Error formally confirmed

  • The issue has been fully resolved.


  1. 0 0 0
    Kayke (karma: +5),
    Glad they're fixing it. There's been a lot of messaging errors recently, is this to do with new updates they keep posting out or is it just one of skypes quirks?

    Normally I wouldn't mind an error like this, but one of my friends doesn't have a mic and has to type his messages out so something like this is really inconvenient.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      I’m not sure, but I suppose these errors somehow are related to migration from P2P to cloud.

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