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Download Skype for Android

A new version of Skype for Android has been released. You can install it from the Play Store or download from our blog. As for changes in the Skype for Android, about them nothing is yet known…
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  1. 0 0 0
    Rick (karma: +179),
    Have you heard anything about Skype Android leaving people in a state where they never truly show as offline? I've been seeing that in my case. As of about a week ago, people either see me as green, when I'm using Skype, or Away, when I'm away OR logged out. It's very annoying and never used to happen. It seems like a clear bug in the "presence" mechanism in Skype. I've tried logging out countless times with both the version of Skype mentioned in this post and Lite, which I think was the version that started the problem (as soon as I used Lite for the first time, the problem happened).

    There is no other client involved to be causing this, though of course we can no longer run /showplaces to be able to see what Skype might think is happening.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      I'm not sure if this workaround is still working, but earlier such bugs were fixed by changing the password.

      Not the same as /showplaces, but you can analyse your recent activity on this page (maybe there really exists an online device logged with your account.).
      1. 0 0 0
        Rick (karma: +179),
        Yes, the PW change is one thing I saw mentioned somewhere, but it didn't help. The account activity page reflects email-related access for me, nothing about Skype.

        I've since confirmed that the problem is triggered by the use of Skype Lite, the nicer, cleaner version of Skype for Android. It must "flip" something in the Skype account, and once it's flipped, it's that way forever.

        Here's the way that MS is trying to spin this problem: "Away" is not supported, and any clients that might show it are obsolete.

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