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Download Skype for Windows

The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below…
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(12 votes)

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  1. 0 0 0
    Galinka Vasileva (karma: +3),
    can i install the skype version on windows 10
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Hello! Yes, you can do this using the "compatibility mode" or "/silent" trick. For more info, please read How to install the new Skype on Windows 10.
  2. 0 0 0
    anderson (karma: 0),
    bom dia, essa nova versão não esta funcionando no windows server 2012, como faço para corrigi.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      I have not tested this version on Windows Server 2012 and I don't know any details about it. Therefore, to help you, I would like to know what error occurs.
  3. 0 0 0
    alexander pingoy (karma: 0),
    I would like to be able to skype without buying. do you have a free version/
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Skype is free. Just download it from this page or from the official site.
  4. 0 0 0
    Cody Maverick (karma: +3),
    The first version of Skype 8.XXX had a really awful function called "People you may know". It would mine data from my Skype contact list and suggest to my contacts that they might know these people. I made many complaints on the MS forums, but no one actually cared. The MS moderators tried to tout the new feature as good and repeatedly told me that it wasn't a violation of my privacy in any way. However, I logged in one day and staring right back at me under the wonderful suggestion of "people you may know" was my rapist! It was an incredibly dangerous breach of privacy, so I closed my account and uninstalled Skype.

    Has this new version removed the offending "people you may know" function, or is it still there?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Hello! The new Skype have settings allowing to hide your account from search results and suggestions. Also, your account will not be used to recommend friends to other people. It can be found at Skype → Application Settings → Manage how people find you.
  5. 0 0 0
    Kylee (karma: +7),
    We are not able to hear the notification sounds on this version of Skype. Is there a way to fix this?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Hi! What kind of notifications do you mean? Anyway, try this:
      1) Open Skype
      2) Click on your avatar or on the “three dots” button
      3) Click “Application Settings”
      4) Scroll down to the “Notifications” label
      5) Enable the “In-app sounds” option
      1. 0 0 0
        Kylee (karma: +7),
        It was actually already enabled. Also when I start up Skype it doesn't even make a sound, even though my friend's does make a sound when it is started and receives notifications.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1207),
          As far I know, the new Skype doesn't make any sounds at startup. Anyway, you should get sound notifications when you are called or receive new messages. If this does not happen, make sure that your Skype status is not set to "Do Not Disturb". Also, check the Windows Volume Mixer and make sure that sounds are not muted for Skype.
  6. 0 0 0
    Irene (karma: +3),
    How to you delete messages and contacts on skype
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      - To delete one message: within the chat, right-click on the desired message and choose “Remove”.

      - To delete all messages: from the contact list, right-click on the desired contact and choose “Delete Skype conversation”.

      - To delete a contact: from the contact list, right click on the desired contact, chose “View profile”, scroll down to the “Profile” label, and click “Delete contact”.
  7. 0 -1 1
    David (karma: +6),
    Hello... I have Skype version and Windows 7 OS. I am trying to add a contact but there doesn't seem to be any way of doing it. When I search for a contact by name or phone number and they don't show up the only option I am given is to "Invite them to join skype". which is not what I want to do. All I want to do is to add a contact with a phone number so I can use skype to call them on their mobile. Any suggestion?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Hello! Try this one:
      1) Click on the "Use Dialpad" icon next to the "Search Skype" field.
      2) Type the phone number and call it (you can cancel immediately the call).
      3) Right-click on the new conversation from the "Chats" sidebar and choose "View profile".
      4) Click the "Add on Skype" button.
      1. 0 0 0
        David (karma: +6),
        Thanks... that worked!.... but it must be the most counter-intuitive, ridiculously difficult way I've ever seen to "add a contact" to your contacts! oh... I forgot... Microsoft bought Skype!
  8. 0 0 0
    Lisa (karma: 0),
    How do you search previous messages in a particular chat room? When I use the Control +F it searches for rooms not messages in a specific room.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
  9. 0 0 0
    Tinashe (karma: 0),
    How do you change video settins in skype All I have under "Audio and Video Settings" is a way to select the hardware I used, but not to turn off low light compensation. My webcam is going dark randomly.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      The new Skype doesn't support such settings.
  10. 0 0 0
    Gary (karma: +7),
    I was updated to today, running on Windows 7 laptop. The ability to have inbound calls ring the PC speaker and to have active calls use my headeset, which is an ability I am sure all people with a headset desire, has been removed.

    I contacted Customer Support and was advises that ye, this abilitu has been removed. Solution they propose was to upgrade my OS to W10 so then I have ability to select 'Classic" Skype. Totally ridiculos.

    Without wondering why they would remove such a necessary function, (1) what was the last release that supported full configuration of audio and (2) if I uninstall 8.25 in order to install a legacy version, do I lose all my existing contacts?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Download the Skype Classic (more exactly, version Installing this version will keep your contacts intact.
      1. 0 0 0
        Gary (karma: +7),
        Wonderful, thanks. Now that I have Classic back it really amazes me how many configurable items have been stripped out of the new releases. Like 80% are gone.
        My challenge with shifting to another platform is that I have a Skype In number that is my only phone number, and I doubt that it is portable to another platform.
        But honestly, why can not they keep the configurable items, perhaps even under an Advanced tab, like other Microsoft products like Office programs.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1207),
          The new Skype is just young. Over time, other functions will be added, but don't hesitate to send your feedback to developers, so they know what you are missing.
          1. 0 0 0
            Ismo55 (karma: 0),
            I understand that Skype 8.2x is young but why force users to fell and act like Steve Ballmer (Windows 8.x). MS mainly plan to strip Skype so all users "need" to get "Pro" version (cost).
            1. 0 0 0
              Administrator (karma: +1207),
              I think you are very wrong about the "Pro" version.
  11. 0 0 0
    JJ D. (karma: +7),
    i know this is the newest version so it isnt perfect but will spell check be added anytime soon?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      This version already supports spellcheck on Windows 10 (and, perhaps, on Windows 8 too). By the way, the latest version is
      1. 0 0 0
        Megan (karma: 0),
        Hello, I am running desktop version for Windows 10. I have confirmed that my PC settings for Typing are all correct for auto-correct on Spellcheck, however, in Skype they are not working. I have reviewed a few articles online and all point to it being controlled by the computer settings. Please advise how auto-correct can be enabled on Skype as it is not currently working properly.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1207),
          Well, I reviewed my knowledge about this feature. It turns out, that Skype 8 use a built-in spell checker and it's supported on Windows 7 and above. This means that the "Autocorrect misspelled words" option has no any effect. By the way, you can see the suggested words by right-clicking on the highlighted word.
      2. 0 0 0
        JJ D. (karma: +7),
        i have and so far no spell check option. i have no clue what version of windows this is because its a gift lap top.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1207),
          There are no options to configure spellcheck, but Skype 8 will use the UI language to highlight misspelled words.
          1. 0 0 0
            Juggy (karma: +3),
            I am multi-lingual - to get bothered by all those flagged words as been incorrectly spelled but actually are German made me return to skype classic (7.x)
          2. 0 0 0
            Joe (karma: +15),
            Forced to upgrade to Skype 8. Now the IM spell check has stopped working. It worked just fine for Skype 7 and don't tell me to check windows settings as they are already on. It never ceases to amaze me how MS can take a working product and destroy it. And don't hand me that line that Skype is new, it is not new it has been around a long time and functioned properly for a long time. Skype is new to MS and MS has destroyed a perfectly good working product. Congratulations!
            1. 0 0 0
              Administrator (karma: +1207),
              I don't know why it is not working for you, but Skype highlights misspelled words:
              Skype highlights misspelled words
              By the way, Skype for Windows never supported the spell checking until Microsoft added it on Windows 10 and 8 (well, with Skype 8 we got it even on Windows 7). This is why your discontent about this feature is a bit strange.

              If you need my help, I need details about your environment (more precisely, what is version and language of OS and Skype, as well as for which language you want to enable spellchecker).
              1. 0 0 0
                Joe (karma: +15),
                TY for the information and yes I would like your help. OS USA English 64 bit Windows 10 Home. Skype Enable spell checker for USA English. Regards Joe
                1. 0 0 0
                  Administrator (karma: +1207),
                  I think that something is broken for Skype settings, and you need to reassign the language as follows:
                  1) Press Ctrl+, to open Skype Settings, click “General”, open “General”, and select “English (US)”. If it is already selected, select “Device language”. Another way to select American English is to execute Skype command /language en-US

                  2) After you have chosen American English, close Skype using the “Quit Skype” option (for example, right-click on the Skype icon from the taskbar or system tray).

                  3) Launch Skype and check if spell checker works properly. If it still does not work, tell which files are present in the following folder:
                  %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop\dictionaries
                  1. 0 0 0
                    Joe (karma: +15),
                    Setting the language type to USA English and restarting Skype fixed the issue. Spell check is now working. Thank You, Joe
                    1. 0 0 0
                      Administrator (karma: +1207),
                      I'm very glad to hear it! You're always welcome.
  12. 0 0 0
    Joe (karma: +15),
    I'm still having issues with the spell checker. When I start using Skype again after it and the computer have been dormant the spell checker stops working. Not every time but often enough to make it a nuisance. In order to get it to start spell checking again I have to log off and back onto Skype. Please advise, Joe
  13. 0 0 0
    peter (karma: 0),
    hello, with the new 8.34 skype update, when i take a picture of the other person using 'snapshot' the other person is also receiving that can i stop the other person receiving the picture i just took?
    thank you

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