Download Skype for Windows
2 521 downloads
The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below…
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), #+1207
), # ↑Unfortunately, this feature is not supported in Skype 8.
I recommend you to send feedback to developers and ask them to implement this feature in the new Skype. Please read here how to do it.
), #This version of Skype was just downloaded about several hours ago.
It is sad to report that this version is still not compatible with Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 15. I have brought this to the attention of Skype on at least 6 occasions and have spoken to Microsoft officials.
Please give me a call as to when these 2 programs will be compatible at 3***9
), # ↑0
), #[Updated ]
It's Skype Preview version. I don't do you publish info about Preview or Final only.
), # ↑+3
), #How do I suppress the conversation history?
), # ↑0
), #How do I search in conversation on Skype version
On the previous versions, I was simply using CTRL+F and it worked.
Not anymore unfortunately.
Thank you!
), #1. How can I getrid of my profile icon from Skype window ( I know my name and my icon !!!!!!) ?
2. I don't want Skype to suggest with whom I shell chat. Can I getrid of suggestion ?
3. I don't want to see icons near contact names, how to do that ?
4. I don't want my chat window to be seen from the other corner of the room, can I resize it ?
Thank you for your answers and for this site. Keep up with great job !
), #David J.