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Remarkable features of Skype

Messaging disabled until request is accepted

In the latest version of Skype for Windows (more exactly in, the developers decided to disallow users to send instant messages to interlocutors, who did not accept their contacts request. In such cases, the input field is disabled and displays the following warning:
Messaging disabled until request is accepted
This person isn’t in your Contact list.
Messaging disabled until request is accepted

Not sure, but I think this was done in order to prevent the sending and receiving unsolicited messages. However, there exists a big problem — users can not receive messages, even if they are clearly indicated in the privacy settings that they want to «allow IMs from anyone». Given that Skype currently ignores this option is most likely that this is just a bug that should be fixed in newer versions. If you have an urgent need to send a message, use the old Skype versions or Skype for Web, but remember that if your interlocutor is using version, he will not see your message.


  1. 0 0 0
    Arnas (karma: +14),
    I'm having this problem as well. Let me know if they fix or is it permanent. Great site by the way. Cheers!
    1. 1 +1 0
      sonia (karma: +10),
      it's not good feature for urgent messages
  2. 0 -1 1
    Kidades (karma: +56),
    Majority of my messages come from unknown users.
    If it ignores "allow IMs from anyone" and it doesn't get fixed, I'll be forced to switched to a different platform :S
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Ignoring this option for sure is a big mistake. Let’s see what will happen in the next release, if nothing changes, we can post an idea on official community and argue why this feature is important for us. Of course, we need more users who supported this idea.
    2. 0 0 0
      Sheeta (karma: +10),
      if unknown users are messaging u than u can set your skype privacy to prevent unknown messages but this feature is not good "Messaging disabled until request is accepted"
  3. 1 +1 0
    sonia (karma: +10),
    Messaging disabled until request is accepted it is not good feature in skype because if someone wants to talk urgently then it should not be this features
  4. 3 +3 0
    Alley (karma: +3),
    I support this idea, I absolutely HATE having to add EVERYONE just to see who they are. They COULD be a long lost friend, but it most likely turns out to be a TROLL wanting to hat me up. We should be able to go back and chat a bit with someone and determine first whether or not we would like to ad them as a contact if we dont know them.
    AND some of us use skype for business, so we would not want to just add every single person that contacts us, only our clients...thank you.
    1. 2 +2 0
      Morgana DelRay (karma: +4),
      This is my issue. I certainly don't want to add everyone who sends me a request as I use Skype for business and for every serious inquiry I get four guys wanting to send me a picture of their genitals. This is unacceptable and on top of that actual legitimate requests are taking hours and sometime up to a day to come in.
  5. 2 +2 0
    Sophia (karma: +8),
    It's not good feature for urgent messages. i don't like this Features so kindly please Skype developers prevent this feature "Messaging disabled until request is accepted"
  6. 0 0 0
    Sensualfreespirit (karma: +51),
    There is NO logic behind this decision & once again MS is RUINING Skype.

    If they were trying to cut down on spam, this is clearly NOT the way to do it as you will have just added a spammer to your list AND you can't even see the message UNTIL you've added them.

    Then you have to waste time deleting them.
  7. 1 +1 0
    Lisa (karma: +1),
    I had this issue with Skype for windows. I went on your skype versions page: and installed the previous version Also turned off automatic updates in the settings. Messaging seems to work all good for now. Thanks!
  8. 0 0 0
    RVJ (karma: 0),
    Exactly even i agree , its not a good feature if someone wants to contact immediately and most of my contacts have been like that ...they come from random people many times. which if require i add them in contact , if not than i dont, ignore or block or dont reply. Also why do people need this feature when they have an option in settings to STOP RECIEVING IM FROM ANYONE... & SELECT RECIEVE MESSAGING FROM CONTACTS.

    WHY TWO THINGS ??????
  9. 1 +1 0
    star (karma: +1),
    most of persons unknown how to possible to add all. pls revert back
  10. 0 0 0
    Sensualfreespirit (karma: +51),
    Any news on when they are going to fix this?

    Even if I go back to an older version of Skype I'm STILL going to have a problem with the other person not doing that & losing business b/c of this :(
    1. 0 -1 1
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Unfortunately, I still do not know when developers will solve the problem. Moreover, I do not even know if they are going to fix it.
      1. 0 0 0
        Sensualfreespirit (karma: +51),
        How do we let them know we aren't happy about this?
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          1) Send feedback using in-app form (Skype → Help → Give feedback)
          2) Post you feedback and ideas on official Skype community (
          3) Contact Skype Customer Support (details)
  11. 1 +1 0
    Catarchy (karma: +16),
    I've created an idea on the Skype community forum Idea Exchange, for anyone that wants to kudos it so it may get seen. I couldn't find any other ideas posted about this.
  12. 0 0 0
    Andrew Vargas (karma: +15),
    This problem just happened to me today with a longtime contact.. I can no longer message them, can call..but not message... HOW CAN THIS BE FIXED ????
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi Andrew! Are you sure that he did not remove you from the contact list? Can he write messages to you?

      Also, please note that there are some problems on the Skype messaging server. Therefore, it’s best to wait until they fix the bug.
      1. 0 0 0
        Andrew (karma: +15),
        Yes, I am sure she did not remove me from her contact list.. We were in the middle of a conversation and I went to type, and when I did the message line said " Messaging has been disabled until the contact is accepted" ?
        1. 0 0 0
          Kendra (karma: +16),
          If you look at her picture on your contact list, there should be a little circle covering the bottom right corner. Is the circle blank or does it have a question mark in it?
          1. 0 0 0
            Andrew (karma: +15),
            It is a circle that is white inside with a question mark..Next to it is a message that says "This person has not shared their details with you"This only began last night...
            1. 0 0 0
              Kendra (karma: +16),
              What you are describing is exactly what appears when someone has removed you from Skype. It is possible it is related to the bug but if the issue continues after the Skype Heartbeat blog states the bug is fixed, it is likely your contact deleted you, possibly accidentally.
              1. 0 0 0
                Andrew (karma: +15),
                Would her sending a contact re-invite solve this problem ?
                1. 0 0 0
                  Kendra (karma: +16),
                  Now that Skype has resolved their messaging issues, if you still see the "messaging disabled" message, the only method for resolving this is to add your contact back and have her accept the request.
        2. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          In this case, I recommend that you wait until the developers fix the error (I guess the new bug may be related to your problem).
  13. 0 0 0
    Jessica (karma: 0),
    I have a contact who has accepted and messaged me, and yet I'm still getting this error -

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