unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Download of Skype is blocked

Sometimes users complain that they cannot download Skype for Windows either from the official website or from our blog as the downloading of files is blocked in various browsers.

For example, the following error appears in browsers based on Chromium (including Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex Browser and others):
Failed: Blocked
Failed: Blocked

Or, for example in Internet Explorer:
Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded
Security Alert:
Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded

No matter what browser you use and what error occurs, when you cannot download files due to the fact that the downloading is blocked. The problem can be solved as follows:


  1. Press the key combination Win+R, type the command inetcpl.cpl and then press “OK”. The same can be done by starting the Internet Explorer browser and opening “Internet Options”.

  2. Open the “Security” tab and select “Restricted sites” zone, click “Sites” and make sure that the list of websites is missing “” or “”. If these domains are present in this list, select each one and click “Remove”.

  3. After you close the tab with restricted sites, switch to the “Internet” zone. Now you have several options:
    • If you only want to unlock the downloading of files, click the button “Custom level”, then search for “Download” and check the box “Enable” for the “File Download” option. Next, find the section titled “Miscellaneous” and check the box “Prompt” for the option “Launching applications and unsafe file”. Now click “OK” to close the window.

    • Click on “Default level” to reset the security settings only for the “Internet” zone (it is useful if other zones have their own settings).

    • Press “Reset all zones to default level”. I recommend you choosing this option, in order to avoid problems with other incorrect security settings in all zones.

  4. Finally, press “OK” and try to download Skype again. To be sure that the changes take effect, it is better to reboot the computer.

I would be grateful for your feedback and details of your unlocking the downloading of files. And if something does not work, write in the comments, I will try to help.

1 comment

  1. 0 0 0
    donna (karma: 0),
    This worked for me, Thanks a lot!

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